Through The Roof

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[Clone Khun is Aguero for those who skipped the other chapter]

Khun's P.O.V.

"I can't believe I let him alone with them. I didn't think they'd take advantage of the situation so quickly," I groan. Bam laid in his bed, sleeping calmly. Another rush of anger consumed me. "I will protect you no matter what."

I look over at Bam and place my hand on his head. I sigh out, pulling away. Midnight was already here and we had another test tomorrow. The other two are placed under strict surveillance but I guarantee that it won't will keep them in for long. I plopped onto my bed and toss myself to the side. Yawning out, I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I topple out of my bed and hear a thud from the other side of the room. Bam sat there bending over with his hands on his head. He must've hit the headboard.

"Testing will begin in 90 minutes so don't be late! Get up, eat breakfast, and prepare yourself! See you all then!" CLICK! The speaker finally turns off. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and walked over to Bam.

"Bam, are you okay?" He nods, rubbing his head slightly. His smile gives me relief.

Everyone stood at the test meeting area. Their heads are turned towards a completely sealed cage. I knew immediately that what's in there are those ridiculous perverts. We all turn towards the gate. This is when the next test begins.

The supervisor explains the rules, pacing back and forth between us all. She mentions sea animals and...octopus? "Alright! Time to get started!" she shouts, opening the gate doors as well step in.

"This is quite interesting. The water is floating above. Must be shinsu," I speak.

"Yeah, you're right. It's pretty neat," says Bam, staring at the giant blue orbs of water. His head turns towards one near the ground and he immediately dives in.

"Bam!!" I see him jump from one to another as he goes up. Sighing out with relief, I follow second with everyone behind. My eyes turn up to look at Bam hopping back and forth. A shadow from the side catches my attention.

Between jumps I shout; "Bam!! Watch out!" I called out to late as the giant arm of an octopus grabs him. The bubbles of air escape his mouth. More tentacles appear behind us and grab specific people. It looks like their after the stronger ones.

"Gah!" Eyes darting to Bam, I gasp out. His arms were held behind him as the creature nastily abuses him. When will anything be normal here. He was too far for anyone to notice it though. "Everyone work together to destroy these things," I shout, summoning my light houses.


Bam's P.O.V.

I try to attacking with Bangs but my shinsu just won't work. Not while I'm in the water. It feels like I'm running out of all my energy. The tentacles keeps my limbs in place as it wraps around my stomach and chest. I don't know what asking will do but I knew I couldn't do it anyway. Why does this drowning sensation feel so familiar?

Everyone is in danger and I'm over here, trapped and doing nothing. I want to help them. I suddenly start coughing, not noticing I was being strangled. My vision is quickly being blurred away as my thoughts vanish. Mr. Khun.

My eyes flutter open as they focus on what's in front of me. Without thinking, I quickly sit up and accidentally collide with someone else's head, sending me back down onto the floor. "Arghh... khh.." I roll to the side with my hands on my forehead. A groan is heard from the person I must've hit.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I bow down. "Don't worry about it, Bam," he says.

I look up and see Khun patting his own head. Guilt consumes me as I bow down again. "I'M VERY SORRY!!"

"Hey! It's alright, Bam!!" It took me a bit to notice we were in a different area. "Is everyone okay? Did we pass?" He nods.

I let out a sigh. "What about you? Are you okay?" Khun takes his time thinking about it.

"Well, those two escaped after their cage was destroyed. They're probably looking for you right now and are ready to fall from the roof," he states. "You keep worrying everyone, including me. You are very important to us so please, be careful."

All I could do was nod with a frown. He moves his arms around me and hugs me tightly. Hugs are pretty comforting. I hug back as he rests his head on my shoulder.

The floor shakes just a bit but it is noticeable. CRASH!! "Bam?! Are you alright?!" They really bursted through the ceiling. Aguero and Khun make direct eye contact. The intensity was almost to much to handle.

"I-I'm okay," I chuckle. "You are not," a gentle voice speaks. "You're bruised everywhere." Viole kneals down and places his hand on my neck. I flinch due to the pain. "Mr. Khun, what happened?"

"Octopus attack during the test," Khun announces.

Aguero comes to look even more furious every second, Viole seemed nearly speechless, and Khun was staring at the ground. This atmosphere isn't so good. "We should get some rest. It's been a long day for all of us," I bring up. They turn to look at me and agree easily.

We get up and ready to go and walked to our rooms. Khun was reluctant to let the other two in but I didn't think it was a bad idea. All four of us had a nice cup of tea made by Viole and Khun. It was very refreshing. I finish my cup and places it on the counter since the kitchen is far from here.

"Why don't you sleep, Bam? I'll make sure these two won't lay a hand on you," says Khun. I nod and get up. I grab my blankets and lay it out on the carpet.

"What are you doing? Sleep on your bed."

"But aren't you using the bed? Besides I'm okay with resting here."

"Sleep in your bed," they all say.

I smiled and waved back as they shut the door. I stretched my arms out and yawned, closing my eyes. Coughing just a bit, I fell asleep.

I had to post it today because I know some of you are not into smut or lemon even though I clearly explained that there would be some.


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