Break Through

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Khun's P.O.V.

"What the hell is wrong with this floor? They made us sacrifice them just to pass!?" I shout. Bam sat against the grey wall, nearly petrified. His contracted eyes shows that he's been through too much.

Viole. I thought to myself. That.. was the most vicious thing I could ever hope to imagine. If only I acted fast enough I would've been able to keep us out of that event. I wipe the cold moisture on my cheek. There was blood. Blood everywhere. The other doors open and people looked okay.

"How did you let your partner go?" Endorsi asks Hatz.

"We had a sword fight to the death," he mutters. "How about you?"

"Well, Shibisu went on and fell into a booby trap. That idiot."

I grit my teeth and sit next to the curled up Bam. His hitched breaths of sobbing hurts me mentally. Everyone had "let go" of their partner in a more reasonable way it seemed. I hesitantly hugged Bam subconsciously to comfort him. He grabs onto the back of my shirt and cries silently onto my shoulder. The warms tears sink in and I can almost hear his pain. I don't think I've seen Bam cry like this before.

Shibisu walks up to us and asks what happened. I glanced to the side, hoping he'd read the atmosphere. Fortunately, he pats my back. Bam begins to calm down. "I should get him back to the room. He must be really tired," I tell him. He nods and backs up.

I help Bam up and walk beside him. His eyes have gotten swollen and his hands would tremble every now and then. He stumbles to the room and stops when he was about to grasp the door knob. Memories seem flood in so I quickly open the door for him. We sit on our beds and have the silence wash over the room.

"H-how did V-V-Viole go?" He breathes out.

"He traded places with me before I was hit with a trap," I say, not wanting to be descriptive. "May I ask you the the same?"

"I was forced to let go. He fell..." he stops the last sentence. "We were so close.."

"No worries, you don't have to," I reassure him. "Remember the good memories. Sure, they were perverts but they took their time to understand us and eachother." I tell him. His head is turned down and he sits silently. "Come on, Bam, smile a bit."

He lifts his head to look at me. The sadness in those amber eyes was more painful than a real injury to me. I couldn't bring myself to say anything afterwards. He lays down and turns away. His body balls up under the covers as he begins to rest. All those tears can make you tired. Too much has happened in this month to process, honestly. I'm quite surprised myself.

I reach over to shut off the lamp until Bam speaks up. "Please, leave the light on," be says swiftly. I retract my hand and lay on my bed. Time passes on and I wait until Bam falls asleep to turn off the lights...

This dream. This is a dream. I'm looking at a mirror. No, he just looks like me, acts like me, and sounds like me. But isn't that what makes us unique? "Come back to us," I tell them. They never gave a response. I didn't expect one so soon. "He wants us back," I speak to the mirror once again. I touch the glass wall and he does too.

"Are you sure?" They ask with my voice.

"Are you desperate, Mr. Khun?" Says another voice.

I bring my eyes up and my hands drop to my side. The wall is gone and they sit patiently in single chairs. "Do I have to give up something?" My voice echoes.

His bangs move to his side as his long hair fly with the rushing wind. The blue eyes pierce through me like needles. My reflection takes a step towards me but I don't. "You will give up a something that belongs to you but others use more than yourself. You will get it back soon," he says.


His Point of View:

"The only identity you have now is changed but not forgotten, Mister." The other ends off. "I want you to have your memories too," I demanded.

"There is no need to worry, Mister. Someone has already solved that problem."

I slowly open my eyes and with my hand reaching out. My faithful friend sits, staring out the window. His eyes meet with mine. "Oh, good morning, uhh." He stops to think. "'re name. Mr...Mister," he struggles. What was my name?

"Just call me whatever you like," I end up saying.

"But you must have a name. It'd be rude to call you something different," he says. "I honestly don't know how I address myself either haha."

His memories, my name. He lost his memories for theirs? I shoot up out of my bed and grab him by the wrist. He yelps as I run with him to conference room from before. The door is slightly opened and my hand moves to reveal what rests behind it.

Right there. His dark hair was so long that it went off the desk and onto the floor. In his hand was a little, red book. In a chair, his blue eyes watched as we entered. He smiles excitingly and jumps up. "Black sheep!!" He cries out, embracing him. The one being called out to shows a face of confusion itself. The long-hair sweeps his eyes over us two and straightens his backto sit up. The book closes loudly you'd think someone collapsed. He smiles at me and places his book down. "We're back," he starts. "Mr. Khun."


Khun's P.O.V.

That's right. Who I am. Who they are. I almost forgot that I gave up my name as Bam gave up and lost his memories. But if I gave up my name and got it back so soon, what about...

"Hey, wake up! What's wrong?" Aguero shouts, shaking the unconscious body. Viole rushes over to them and tries to do something. He couldn't handle it all at once.

"The trauma must have overtook him," I say. Aguero's breath stops momentarily as he holds him close. "Let's take him to the others. I'm sure they know what to do," he says. So much has and is happening. We'll keep you safe,..


I know I forgot Wednesday! I'll up date tomorrow, I promise! If your guys see any mistakes or find words that are repetitive, please tell me so I could polish on my writing skills. I'm open to learning more advance words that could possibly make this story slightly more intriguing. Thank you for understand!!


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