Stay Away From Me

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It was heartbreaking. Heartbreaking to know that the boy who she loved years ago was standing right before her, confessing his love. It was was so weird to see him like that though, he was never really that nice when they first dated and now? He was nicer, more affectionate, more lovable. How did she not even notice that it was him? To be honest, his personality and appearance has changed drastically over the two year break in their relationship.

All day she's been avoiding him, she hasn't come to school and left his contact messages on do not disturb. She was in her feelings about this. It wasn't just a subject that she could push to the side. The real reason why she was avoiding him was because she still had feelings for him, even after he dumped her.

She laid in bed, hasn't even brushed her teeth yet, staring at her phone. All of the memories came back, everything. The way he cheated... the way he just walked out. Sunhee sat there in tears as she read a book on her phone to get it off of her mind.

She even had her phone on do not disturb since before, he kept blowing up her phone with messages. "Sunhee?" her mother said at the other side of the door, followed by a tiny knock. Sunhee quickly wiped her tears, covering her face with her blanket to show that she was 'cold'.

"If you want lunch, it's on the table," her mom walked out. Sunhee slowly got up from her bed, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She played quiet music as she did but it was sadly disrupted when it paused because of a phone call. It was him.

She hesitated, putting her hand to the phone and then pulling it back. Eventually she answered, "What...?" she said, her hands shaking. "Sunhee? Sunhee are you okay?" his voice was muffled in the phone and it sounded very muffled. Sunhee replied with a small yes before blowing her bangs up with her mouth in frustration.

"Just checking since you know... you're not at school," he said softly and she hummed and then said goodbye, hanging up the phone.

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