It's Really You

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Jisung and Sunhee were sitting on a bench outside of the school on their free period. They decided to play a few games while they were outside since they couldn't use their phones during class hours. "20 questions, how bout it?" Sunhee says and Jisung nods in agreement.

"My turn first," Jisung says as he adjusts in the bench to face her. He thinks, looking up at the sky, "Do you have any pets?" he asks while looking right into her eyes. She shakes her head no.

"What was your worst relationship?" she asks and he doesn't even think, he blurts out an answer. "I'm not going to say her name but it was a long time ago, maybe a year... or two?" she nods, "it wasn't very stable. We had an argument and everything went down hill from there," she sat up as she's had something very similar happen to her too.

"Really...? I-I had the same scenario happen to me accept I wouldn't really call it my worst, but..." she looks off. "We ended up leaving each other, using other people for comfort and then catching ourselves in the act. It pretty much ended at her house when I couldn't take it anymore and walked out," she furrowed her eyebrows.

"She didn't happen to have light brown hair back then did she?" He shook his head yes as she leans her head in forward, furrowing her eyebrows once again, "Did she have glasses...?" she asked and he nodded. Fumes began to build up in her body. He was talking about her. But that means...?

"Sunhee?!" he stands up," I knew that name sounded familiar!" she stood up as tears began to make an entrance in her eyes. "Stay away from me, don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even try and be my friend," she stormed off. He stood there, watching the tiny teenager run away in anger. Jisung sat back down on the bench and put his head in his hands.

"What have I done..."

one more time - park jisungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang