Enjoy the Silence

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Marcus was loud. Onstage anyway. And he was extremely extroverted. But usually, onstage, he was drunk. Really drunk. Carey had first seen him in this way. But after hanging around him more and more she realized he was more introverted and shy. She could honestly say she loved both sides, but she preferred the quietness. When he was exuberant he was more forward and would not hesitate to flirt with her or kiss her heavily after gigs and during parties.

Tonight was one of the rare nights where he hadn't had anything to drink, and he was looking out toward the backyard. Carey walked to him and leaned beside him.

"Hey noodle." He wrapped his arm around her still clearly in his mind.

She snuggled in close to her husband, somehow he was always so warm.

"Mmm you're like a toaster." She commented. When he just mumbled a chuckle, she tried to pry more out of him, "whatcha thinking about? Probably something intricate with that head of yours."

He was quiet for several long seconds, "Nothing too much. Kinda thoughts that lead into different thoughts. Then before you know it you don't remember what your first train of thought was and you feel like you've been gazing into space forever." He finally took his eyes from the trees and fields to look at his small wife curled up into his side.

He slid behind her so he could hold her closer. His chest pressed into her back and hands mingled together.

This was another reason Carey loved the reserved part. He was so quiet that everything was expressed in motion instead of words. His gestures and expressions said what he wouldn't. It was so peaceful, and they could both bask in the familiar feeling of the others presence. It was calming yet, still fun. He lowered his head to rest on her shoulder. His voice low and smooth sang softly as he gently swayed back and forth.

"swing low, swing low for to carry me home in fire the skies of red

my breath's gone cold a kiss from the coal a blanket of snow overhead"

They both loved that song and her smile sketched across her face as he continued singing.

"Laid in the ashes belooooow" Marcus twirled her, and dipped her for a kiss. Completely unexpecting but completely content, her hand gripped his bicep to keep from falling, even though she knew full well Marcus wouldn't drop her. He rested her back on her feet and looked longingly into her eyes.

"I like it when it's quiet and just you and I. You're so sweet and romantic. Everything you do seems cautions but thoughtful." Carey said softly to not disrupt the mood. She was being guided to an old antique rocking chair on the deck, and Marcus indicated for her to crawl up in his lap, knowing that was one of her favorite spots. He took off a jacket of his hanging from the chair and put it around her shoulders, feeling the skin that prickled from the sharp breeze. She mumbled a thank you before being drawn into the side of his body, encased in gentle arms.

"You're the only one that really has ever seen me like this. With the exception of maybe Ben or my Mum." He whispered absently, "Only a few actually can make me comfortable enough to be a hundred percent relaxed." She noticed his hand began running up and down her leg in a soothing rhythmic manner. "I like the silence. I like knowing everything's alright with out everyone telling me that. I like hearing nothing but white noise. I like being able to just cuddle and be left alone to my own musings."

"Sometimes you just need to completely relax." She agreed with him.

"It's like it's always just go go go, I'm never alone. I just enjoy the lack of noise. And your presence. That always helps too." He kept trying to hold her closer even though she was plastered to him. He glanced down to see the small smile wedged between her cheeks. "The worst is when we're on tour and you're not there. It's dizzying listening to questions and yells and laughter and all I want to do is close my eyes and breathe. But when you aren't there I can't even focus on that, everything becomes sort of a blur and it's fucking exhausting." His confession kept spilling out until she silenced him with her mouth.

"Sshh, sweetheart, don't get all worked up. Take a breath and concentrate on the peace and quiet right now." She watched as he practically melted. Her call and her touch and he was hypnotized by her.

"I volunteer we go lay in the hammock til the sun goes down yeah?" He spoke directly to her eyes completely transfixed on the beautiful woman who had decided to love him of all people. She nodded in agreement and bounced away. He grabbed a blanket from the inside real fast then met his fantastic wife at the hammock. He carefully rolled on top of it and she was right by him not a second later. The air began to cool and everything burrowed in for the night. Grabbing blankets and bodies closer for warmth, the couple settled watching the sky turning lazily from light blue, to red streaked orange, to a dark blue. This was the time she loved best. Because what's better than silent and perfectly understood conversations with your soul mate?

AN/ hey guys! I'm still here. Too bad, yeah I know. Anyways if any of you have suggestions or plot ideas comment bc that'd be awesome.

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