Baby Bump

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Marcus had always wanted to be a father, but now that it was actually going to happen he was not quite sure how he felt about it. It's not that he didn't want to be one because he did, he really did, he just seemed to lack faith in himself. So when Carey had bounced into their room three months ago he felt his heart stop.

It was in the middle of summer and he had been on the porch outside of their room with his guitar and Rambo at his feet. Carey yelled to her spouse with a singsong voice and practically sprinted towards Marcus. He laid down his guitar, and Carey immediately filled the void in his lap.

"I have GREAT news love!" She exclaimed, happier than he had ever seen her (well except their wedding day)

"What is it sweetheart?" Marcus's enthusiasm finding it's way to her level.

"You are going to be a papa monkey!" Tears were brimming at the edge of Carey's eyes.

Marcus couldn't speak, how could he? He was just told the best and scariest news of his life! He was going to be a father, an actual dad! There was going to be a little him banging pots and pans, or a mini Carey with bright brown eyes singing into a hairbrush! All he could do was let out a incomprehensible noise and bury his face into Carey's neck, peppering her soft skin with butterfly kisses. When he resurfaced he saw Carey completely overjoyed, tears pouring out of her eyes. Marcus had a few threaten to spill as well, and though he'd never admit it...a few did.

"C-Carey! This is the best thing I've ever heard! You're not joking are you? This is fantastic; there's going to be a small you and me combined! "

Carey just nodded, also unable to speak. Then from her pocket she removed two photos. She held them up for Marcus see. There, in that little photograph, was his child. A bout of protectiveness swelled up inside him and he hugged his wife harder and longer than he ever had before.

Now here he was, with only four months left until he became a father. He had been scared out of his mind the first time they went to a parenting class. He had even let his anxiety reach the point of dropping the baby doll. Since then, he had gotten significantly better and was now the best in the class. (According to Carey anyway)

The couple had just gotten back from an excruciatingly long day of shopping for toys and clothes. The first thing Carey did was plop onto the couch and tear off her shoes. Little things like that had proved to be a bit of a hassle thanks to the steadily growing baby bump and she let out a groan of exhaustion. Her eyes were closed when she heard Marcus enter the room. With as much strength as she could muster, she opened her eyes. Marcus was kneeling down next to her with a glass of water in his hand. She accepted it and took a less than graceful gulp. Meanwhile, Marcus had made his butt to the couch and was now sitting very close to his fairly pregnant wife. He just looked at her with pure love and all he knew was he'd never want to be anywhere else. "You are so beautiful," he breathed out. He then gently laid his big hand on Carey's tummy and rubbed it. "Hey little pumpkin! Daddy here, just wanted to tell you how beautiful you're going to be if you take after your mother in any way. She's the best thing that ever happened to me, so you better be treating her right in there. Understand?" He received a small kick and looked up to find Carey gazing at him in awe.

"You are too sweet Marcus, how do I top that?"

"Maybe with a kiss?"

"Fine, come here you big idiot."

Marcus let out a goofy grin and wrapped his arms around his wife's waist as well as he could. He then gently pressed his face into hers giving her a sweet kiss.

Several hours later Marcus woke up. He was still laying on the couch with Carey's head nestled in the crook of his neck. He glanced at the clock, 11:30, and grumbled the sleep from his eyes. Gently, he sat up, and quietly lifted his beloved wife from the couch. Granted, she was a bit heavier because if their unborn child, but that was nothing his fierce-guitar-strumming-arms couldn't handle. He swiftly carried her to their room and delicately placed her on the bed. In a fluid motion he pulled down the sheets, dragged her under the covers, and crawled to his side of the bed. He snuggled up to his pride and kissed her cheek before lowering his head to her stomach. He gave it a tender kiss and whispered, "I love you my angels"

He then turned off the 45 watt lamp and engulfed his loves in his arms.

Early the next morning the sleepy couple was woken by the bastardly Rambo.

"Mmph go away damnit!" Marcus tried shoving the dog, but he was relentless. Groaning audibly, he stepped out of the warm confines of his bed and followed the dog. He was led to door next to his food and water bowl. "Shit," Marcus thought, "I forgot about you last night" Then a startling idea creeped up his spine. What if he did that to his future child? What if he couldn't handle it? How many times would he screw up? Was he even prepared at all? All these questions and more came sprinting through his mind and he sat down with his head in his hands. He couldn't even hear her sneak up behind him, but he wasn't thoroughly shocked when he felt small arms caress his back. They were somehow always around when they really needed each other. Like when Ted had the blood clot, or when Carey thought her Grandmother's dementia was finally taking her.

"You're going to be such a great father." He glanced up at her in confusion, but she continued, "you worry but I don't know why. I mean you are still a kid at heart, but I could never know a man who cares as much as you do." She continued to rub his back and sides.

"I'm also pretty scared though. I think it may be a little rough, at the beginning, but once we find our feet we'll be ok." She gave Marcus a genuinely comforting smile, and he buried his face into her soft golden locks. He released several sighs of relief before tackling her with kisses.

A/N bam! Number 3, if you guys have any suggestions please let me know! Wether it's how to improve my writing or a story idea lemme know :)

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