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​Rambo was an obnoxious little dog at times. He was also persistent as hell. So when he really wanted something, he was comparable to the devil. Today was one of those days, as his incessant yelping, barking, and moaning followed Marcus and Carey around the entire day. Normally they would ignore the energized Cocker-Spaniel, but seeing as how it was 2 in the afternoon and the pup had been at it since 7 in the morning, they decided that it may be less of a headache to release the dog from his distress.

​Marcus grabbed the leash and called to the dog, "Rambo, come here lad!" From behind him the black bullet sprinted onto his back knocking him over. Rolling over, he was smothered in slobbery dog kisses. "Rambo!" It was meant to sound scolding, but instead came out as a half laugh.

​Carey walked into the room wearing black pants along with a one of Marcus's jackets. Taking in the sight of the puppy attacking her husband with affection, she tripped on a shoe, and plummeted down toward Earth. She successfully landed on Marcus's chest, who let out a huff, and started giggling as Rambo turned his attention to the new member on the floor.

​"Hello puppy!" Carey cooed at the small black fluff ball. She started kissing him back. "Who's a good little boy, aw, yes you are, yes you are."

​Marcus loved when Carey had that big smile on her face matching her equally enthusiastic eyes. It always cheered him up no matter what, and he thoroughly enjoyed everything about her. She was the brightest light he had ever seen and was beyond grateful for this beauty. He stood up, found the leash he lost in all the commotion, and placed the collar around the dog's neck. Using his free hand, he extended it to his wife, who then pulled herself up.

​"Ready to go loves?" Marcus asked, and he got a wag from Rambo and a nod from Carey.

​When they got to the park, Rambo leapt out of the car and started chasing a floating bag. Marcus ran after him and caught up to him rather quickly. Carey joined the clan a minute later, after Marcus was done half-heartedly reprimanding the dog, and took Marcus's hand in hers.

​"You know we can never train him if you keep half-assing your discipline." She giggled.

​"I know sweetheart, but look at his face" as if on cue, the dog looked at Carey, made his eyes real big, and sat down right in front of her.

​"Oh God Rambo, what are we going to do with you?" Carey questioned. The pup just let out a sharp bark and started running toward the path.

​It was a lovely day, and the sky was a Crayola blue. The leaves rustled in the small breeze, and the clouds moved lazily across the sky. They walked and walked enjoying the beautiful day and eachother. Rambo would see a squirrel once in a while and had a hay day, dragging the loving couple behind him. The sun approached the ground, and the sky was painted with vibrant yellows and oranges. Deciding this sight was too gorgeous to let go, they both meandered off the path and into the grass dusted with dew. Marcus sat first, with Carey on top of him and Rambo laying down in Carey's lap.

​Finally the sun had set and the small family made their way back to their car. They returned back home somewhere around six, and Rambo was exhausted. He curled up by the gas fireplace and slept soundly through the night.

A/N yay chapter 2! Their dog is really frickn adorable and I love dogs, thus inspiration! Anyway, sorry it took so long. I HAD THIS WRITTEN A LONG TIME AGO, but I forgot my password. Also I am trash so I apologize. It wasn't meant to in all honesty. Please comment because I have zero self confidence and need you people. :)

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