Chapter 29 - Changing for the Worse

Start from the beginning

The realisation that neither of them were alone in their eventful, monstrous, catastrophic yet amazing lives seemed to lift their spirits a little. Draco was grateful to have Alexia, and Alexia was grateful to have Draco. They both seemed to understand what the other was going through and the embrace they shared was an exchange of this understanding and gratitude.

"I've never spent Easter at Hogwarts," Alexia eventually said.
"And you're not going too."
"Didn't you read the letter?"
"Of course I did, but I'm not letting you stay here," Draco said, screwing up his face slightly.
"What are you getting at?" questioned Alexia.
"Malfoy Manor is your home this Easter." Draco notified her.
Alexia took a step back, "Really?"
"Of course, I'll write to Mother and Father tomorrow morning," Draco replied.
Alexia grinned widely, "Thank you, Draco! You're the best!"
"I know," he shrugged.
Alexia paused, "I'm still better, obviously. But you're close."


Homework consumed the rest of their free time that week. Even when the weekend arrived, most of the students stayed in the study halls or library to prepare for their upcoming examinations.
When Monday morning arrived, Alexia was shaken awake by someone earlier than usual.
"Go away..." she mumbled, rolling over.
"Alexia, you have to get up," Pansy said, 'There's more trouble going on apparently. Umbridge needs the Inquisitorial Squad and you especially."
"What's happened?" Alexia asked, slowly opening her eyes, squinting and rubbing them sleepily.
"I don't know, Draco just said to wake you up, but I'd say it's those Weasley twins." Pansy replied. "Now, come on!" she pulled open the emerald green curtains which surrounded the four-posted bed, allowing light to stream in and force Alexia to get up.

Alexia dressed quickly, pulled her hair into a messy ponytail (which she pulled off amazingly) and finally, applied a small coat of black mascara to her eyelashes.
"I'll wake up the rest of the members, you get going!" Pansy informed Alexia.

Alexia strutted speedily through the dungeons and up to the main part of the school. It was still quite early, so the school was very quiet. The sun was only just rising and it would only be ten minutes until most of the students began rising from their beds also.
"Miss Burke!" Professor Umbridge called from across the hall. Standing with her was Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.
Alexia hurried over and once she reached them, she realised what the problem was. There in front of her was a huge swamp which took up almost the entire hallway.
"Someone has turned our school corridor into a swamp," Umbridge said abruptly. "I need you and the squad to help me try to get rid of it before the school begins to make their way to breakfast and then to their lessons."
Alexia nodded intently.
"A simple vanishing spell will not work - I have tried. You'll have to try something different." Umbridge informed them.
"We'll try our best, Professor," Alexia told her.
"I will find Filch to see if he has any idea who did this. I'm sure we all know whom was responsible, however he may be able to assist further." Umbridge tilted her head high and bolted off in the opposite direction.

Alexia put her hands on her hips, "Alright," she said, "Pansy is waking up the other members now so we can get straight into it."
"Crabbe, Goyle, you two start trying to get rid of this swamp... down that end. Alexia, let's try this end." Draco instructed them.
Crabbe and Goyle nodded and shuffled carefully on the outskirts of the swamp, down the hallway.
"Evanesco!" Alexia said, pointing her wand at the swamp. It did nothing.
"Umbridge just said that spell didn't work," Draco said in a mocking tone.
Alexia rolled her eyes, "I was just checking!" she exclaimed.
Now it was Draco's turn. "Reducto!" he flicked his wand and a blue flash of light hit one of the plants in the swamp. It wilted a little, however it didn't blast into a fine mist like the the spell was supposed to make it do.
"Reducio!" Alexia pronounced clearly and strongly. She pointed her wand at the swamp, but it wouldn't shrink either. "This is useless!" she exclaimed.

Broken: a Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now