Chapter 5: Flaming Bird

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Waking up today was normal. I was not killed during my sleep. School was also normal......ish. Well now 2 kids have went night night and I have only been to school for 3 days. And now it my fourth.... If I was not with my dad.

(Great Red): "Ok son now your here we got to talk. You have gained random powers from random places."

(X): "What do you mean random powers from random places?"

(Great Red): "I will explain it to you later. You just got to know how to control your power. And as you learn more powers will be revealed. Right now I will not change your necklace as you got now power surges but latter I will change it to help you with your new problem. Now you can go of and use your practice dummy"

(X): "Dad I just want to know one thing."

(Great Red): "And that is?"

(X): "How close am I to hitting my limit?"

(Great Red): "Your about 200 hours away. Less than 9 days with basic consistent practice. Likely quicker if you put more effort in. Why?"

(X): "Ok dad. I wanted to know because if it was like an hour or 2 I would just go to school and practice at home but that won't work. It looks like I going to go down in a few hours once schools finished and talk."

(Great Red): "I guess you won't tell me when you are about to leave so I'll tell you now. Bring your friends up. All of them. I want to meet them. Now you can go and train now."

(X): "OK Dad. I'll go train."

And with that I trained. I found out that the ting I used yesterday is very very powerful. I am able to change the 'element' that they are and mix them up. I can make 4 at once and they are like arms that come out of my back and because they are arms I called them Elemental Arms. They can all be the same element or be each a different element. There are also special combos that make the attack more powerful. Like the Lightning and Water. But I Also found I could change elements into weapons. Like I can make Fire Swords or Water Knife or Electric Axe. I also found something with making it infinite or nothing but it hurt to much. The Armor which I only ever used once because of an accident I found how to do again. And it got more color. But one of my more favorite things it the Use of Air to Fly and the Elemental Wings. The Elemental Wings let me fly but also are like the the Elemental Arms. They can change size and move with out my need to control them. But I like the Elemental Arms more. But the use of air to fly is fun because it lets me walk through the air and I can move faster because I can create a vacuum around me and have air push me forward.  I was having fun with learning more about it when I heard the timer for me to go to school. I was about to go when I saw dad. 

(X): "Dad?"

(Great Red): "Remember what I said. Bring your friends here. I really want to talk to the girls about the future."

(X): "Ok Dad. Will do."

With that I left to go to after school. Well actually a few minutes after school. It was long enough time for Chaos it seems. Because before I was about to enter I heard a lot of yelling.


When I entered I saw a bunch of Girls I have never Seen befor and a Guy infront of them.

(X): "Uh is this included in my education system? Is this a Harem Rias?" I said pointing a the group of girls.

At that everyone just turned to me. It was amazing because the Guy Looked Shocked and Rias Looked amazed. So that her amazed look.

(Rias): "Yes, X that is a Harem."

(X): "Why would any one want one? It just make a food bill go up more cloths bought and well it just make the people you have to care for go up."

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