Bite Mark

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Kirishima sat on his desk, refreshing the website every second that passed by. He had been waiting all week for this video, ever since Bakugou had told him this video he was gonna be shirtless in it. Kirishima couldn't stop thinking about it. In retrospect it was probably a little pitiful that he was this thirsty for Bakugou but ever since they started to talk to each other, Kirishima had just about fallen head over heels for this guy. Didn't help that there were moments when he could tell that Bakugou was flirting back with him and it drove him absolutely insane because did he like me back? Or was he just messing with me, he thought. 

And with one final refresh, Bakugous new video was posted and without even reading the title Kirishima clicked on it. 

"Hey what's up my little fucks" Bakugou said. "Now today is a very special day because as of this video being posted it is officially September which means we are one month away from the only holiday that I have a true emotional connection to, a holiday that lets me be who I want to truly be, a holiday where I can actually scare little kids and carry a real ass knife around and not get arrested. And that holiday is.... Halloween." 

Kirishima smiled. 

"Now if you're new to this channel you wouldn't know this, but I don't fuck around when it comes to Halloween, I fucken start prepping for Halloween since fucken July. Halloween isn't a holiday, it's a god damn life style" Bakugou said. "Now because I have no self-control and always do what I want, I am going to do what I haven't done on this channel for a WHILE something that I probably shouldn't do because at the moment most of my subscribers are here for the makeup and nothing more. But first, for the newer people here you wouldn't probably know this but I am a legit makeup artist, like that is my day job and I know a lot of beauty gurus on here say they're that but I actually went to school for this, I have a whole ass degree on makeup so to those haters that are like you don't know jack shit. I actually do and uh suck my dick yeah?"

Kirishima giggled. 

"But another thing a lot of you newer folk might not know is that I am not only a normal makeup artist but also a special fx makeup. Bakugou what's that? Well that means that I know how to make you look like a monster and make cuts and bruises and all kinds of gore and horror related shit with just makeup. I actually have worked in multiple horror movies as an fx artist so trust me when I say that I know what I'm doing when it comes to this shit. And you know, maybe it's because of that that my normal makeup routines are always so violent but you know that's fine its FINE.... now that I think about it if any of you are surprised by the fact that I'm into horror and gore and shit like that you need to just leave. Like get out of here who the fuck do you think I am? Like hi my names Bakugou and I love things that are scary could you not tell by the everything about me?"

Kirishima laughed. 

"Now because I know how to do fx I thought it would be fun if I did makeup tutorials on fx makeup from now to Halloween to maybe make it so you guys have something to be for Halloween or maybe you guys can finally become what you've always dreamed of.... someones literal nightmare" Bakugou said with a smile. "But also, I'm doing this because I haven't made myself into scary things in a long time and although I should be trying really hard to make myself look sexy and desirable since I'm trying to tap a certain someone, I also can resist the urge to make myself into a hideous monster so fuck it FUCK IT. For today we will start off very very easy, very beginner friendly. Today we're going to make ourselves into someone that just got bit by a zombie and isn't having the best of times. So basically, we're gonna be someone who is in the zombie apocalypse, but mainly this is a zombie bite mark tutorial hence the title" Bakugou said as Kirishima looked down at the title and saw it was titled, zombie bite mark tutorial. 

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