The Keeper

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"Come on, it'll be fun!" The princess tugs on your hand.

"A ball is no place for me Vivi, now be still, I have to measure your head." You smile, taking the measurement, ignoring her pout.

"It's a masquerade, you'll have fun I promise... And... I want you there with me ___, you're my best friend." She murmurs softly, looking down crestfallen. You pause, looking at her face before sighing.

"I'll need a new dress... And a mask..." You peer toward your room. Vivi lights up at that.

"I can help with that! So please come!" She smiles brightly.

"Alright fine..." You frown uneasily. What if they saw through the disguised. The looks that the visiting royals would give you.... A feeling of nervousness was already building in your stomach.

"Eh? You okay ___?" She tilts her head.

"I feel a bit sick..." You admit, moving to your work table.

"I promise you they wont find out." She touches your back, giving you another smile.

"Alright... I trust you."

You hesitantly look at yourself in the mirror as Terracotta adjusts the dress. "This certainly suites you ___, there's no way anyone will be able to tell you from the other royals." She hums, catching your nervous expression. You chew on your lip, you certainly didn't seem like yourself.

"I hope you're right." You murmur, flinching slightly when Vivi's door opens. You look over warily as the princess enters, already dressed in her ball gown, she wore a beautiful jeweled eye mask and a soft smile.

"You look like royalty my friend." She comes over, handing you another eye mask, also jeweled.

"V-Vivi, I cant wear something like this! What if I break it!?" You gasp worriedly. "As careful as you are? I know it's in safe hands." She smiles, putting it on you since you didn't move to do so. Somehow, the mask helped you relax. "Wow, this really brings out your eyes!"

"Really?" You touch it, feeling a relaxed smile pull on your lips.

"Yes! Tonight is going to be great!" She gasps, clasping her hands around you and bouncing slightly. You smile more, a giggle escaping you.

"I hope so.." You breathe.

"Oh! You're missing something." She realizes stepping back and putting a knuckle to her chin.

"Seriously... I feel over dressed..." You frown lightly.

"Just a necklace... Here, this'll do." She takes out a fairly glamorous necklace that practically glowed with sparkling gems.

"Vivi..." You start.

"Relax... I hate this necklace. If you lose it, I wont mind at all." She whispers. You blink and relax.

"Understood." You chuckle. She leads you out of the room at that and you soon freeze, seeing the kiing and his royal guards waiting.

"___? Is that truly you?" The King says in surprise.

"I-I-I... Good evening your majesty." You squeak out, moving to bow but Chaka swiftly stops you.

"No no ___, you're not to bow to anyone tonight." King Cobra tells you lightly.

"No bowing at all? Uh oh..." You fidget nervously.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you aren't found out." Pell assures. You look between all of them, eyes landing on Vivi as she smiles at you. It was a bit overwhelming how much they treated you like family.

"Th-Thank you everyone. I'll do my best to make sure Vivi has a fun night." You smile.

"You have fun too ___." She nudges you.

"Your majesty, the guests are waiting in the ballroom." A guard informs coming up. Nervousness returns to your stomach, your heartbeat picks up, and you step closer to Vivi's side.

"Well, lets go." She hums as you both follow after the King. You swallow as the large doors draw closer, the guards ease them open, revealing a sea of royalty.

"Here we go..." Pell breathes on your other side. The guards pull away as you enter, and soon its you and Vivi amongst the crowd.

"Ladies." A familiar voice rumbles and you both look over at the masked man.

"Kohza...?" You whisper in surprise as he gives a nod.

"Nice to see you out of your shell." He hums.

"Shush..." You huff lightly.

"Princess Vivi," Another voice beckons your friend away.

"You look nervous, want me to get you a drink?" Kohza offers you.

"Thanks Kohza." You offer a smile. He nods and starts away, leaving you alone. You sigh lightly, taking a step back, freezing when you feel something under your heel. You look over and swiftly turn to the man in black attire, wearing a black wolf mask. His amber eyes bore into you. "Sorry, pardon me. I... Wasn't paying attention." You tell him, fighting your instinct to bow and curtsy instead.

"Don't worry about it miss." He responds lowly, turning his head away but his eye was still on you. You swallow and offer a small smile before he starts away.

"Hey, you okay?" Kohza asks, joining your side again, offering you the drink.

"Thanks." You murmur, taking it and sipping, pausing briefly. "Alcohol? Here?" You look at him.

"Eh... These royals need to relax." He shrugs slightly. You blink in surprise, there were times like this when you had to remind yourself how sneaky the man could be. He looks past you and frowns lightly. You pause and follow his gaze to someone who seemed to be asking Vivi for a dance.

"Oh no... Go save her," You tell him, making him pause. He doesn't object, brushing past. You watch him go before peering around, spotting the balcony and heading out to it. You let out a soft sigh, looking up at the night sky.

"Not interested in being in there either?" A rumbling voice makes you jump and look at the masked man that stoop beside you. He wore a dark jeweled mask over his eyes, and his lower face was hidden behind a furry scarf.

"O-Oh.. Well, I-" You try to back up but your heel catches the hem of your dress and you start to fall back. He easily catches your waist, keeping you upright and lifting you slightly so your feet can situate themselves. You swallow, looking up at his eyes, feeling your cheeks warm. "Thanks..." You manage.

"That wouldn't have went very well if I hadn't caught you." He responds simply, hands not leaving your sides. "Since we're like this, how about a dance?" He inquires. You swallow, blushing slightly.

"I'll be honest with you, I'm not the best dancer..." You manage.

"That'll make this more interesting." He responds, seeming amused.

"Alright then..." You smile.

So you danced with him for most of the night, until it was time for him to leave. As you bid farewell, he pulls you close, leaning down and stealing a fond kiss. Then he was gone, leaving you stunned in a bliss over your mystifying first kiss.

The Keeper~ ???? X Reader (One Piece AU)Where stories live. Discover now