"I... I... never said that I hated your brother, it's just that he changed overtime" said England. "Changed? Oh no, he hasn't changed at all. He's still my brother Arthur and brothers need to stick together" said Yong Soo. "He's right, we should no reason to be mad at North Korea even though he sliced my axe in half" said Denmark. "I always thought that he was scary, but deep down I always had feelings for him" said Belgium. "That's all fine to hear; however, we have much serious things to talk about" said Oliver. "Oh great, what is it Oliver?" asked England.

"Hehehe.... well if you need a refresher than what I'm about to talk about is very concerning" said Oliver. "Hold on, I think I know what he's talking about" said Eatonia. "You do, please tell us more" said France. "When I was in Russia, well.... at Russia's house if you need a clarification, I gotten a message on my laptop" said Estonia. "He showed me the message without telling anybody else, so it's best if I can explain it more. The message told him about North Korea returning despite only getting it late and we both gotten it. Also we learned about the 2Ps" said Sweden. "He iz right. I know zhat jou guys don't trust us but Luciano plans on getting his hands on North Korea" said Roland.

"Wait...my-a own 2P plans on hurting North Korea? But why is-a he doing this?" asked Italy. "Oh I-a know my fratello better than anyone, so I-a might be able to tell you why" said Flavio. "Go ahead and-a tell us then. We don't have all day" said Romano. "Well...it-a all started with a drift between where we're from and-a to this world. It-a was caused by the harsh relationships with England and North Korea. Once Luciano found out about this from Akbar, he-a knew that he had to do something about it" said Flavio. "So that explains everything, but what are going to do?" asked Spain. "Ve are going to do our best to protect North Korea und stop Luciano. So vho's going to pitch in und help?" asked Germany.

"I'll help you" said Norway who stood up. "What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?" asked Denmark. "Oh put a sock in it you stupid Dane, you're not the boss of me. Besides I might be needed for some magic help" said Norway. "He's right. I'm joining in to" said Finland who also got up. "Estonia and I will be helping also" said Sweden as both him and Estonia stood up. "Alright fine, I guess I'm joining in" said Denmark before standing up.

"Anyone else?" asked Germany. As soon as Germany said this, well asked, more countries stood up with confidence much to Italy's surprise. "Everyone is-a helping. I-a never thought I would see the day" said Italy while seeing everyone standing up. "Hold on, do ve have anybody?" asked Austria. "I think that's everyone" said Hungary. "Yeah she's right. Ve're not missing anyone, so ve're basically good to go" said Switzerland. "Ja, zhen it's settled zhen. All ve need is to take zhis conversation to zhe next United Nations meeting" said Germany. "When is the next meeting?" asked Lithuania. "Apparently it vas scheduled in about six months from now, but I can make it early as possible" said Germany.

~Meanwhile With Canada~

Canada was seen with Kumajirou on his back while cautiously moving through the woods making sure that both Al and Matt haven't found them yet. "Oh it's getting late and we're never going to make it out" said Canada while looking up at sky to see that sun was slowly setting. "Oh yes we will make it. Don't give up on hope" said Kumajirou. "You're right, thanks for the motivation...uhh...who are you again? Oh wait...I just remembered, you're Kumajirou" said Canada. "Yes, I am. Thanks for not getting it wrong....umm...who are you?" asked Kumajirou. "Ah....I'm...I'm Canada" said Canada.

A few minutes later, Canada eventually reaches to a building and just any building, it was the building of where his boss is at. "Finally....we....made it. Come on, let's keep going" said Canada as he continued walking. As Canada was making his way towards the building, he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders. "Wah!!! They found us Kumajirou! Oh my god no!" yelled Canada who was panicking. "They? I think you mean by us, right?" asked America. "Wait...wait...what..? A...A....Alfred..? Oh thank goodness" said Canada in relief.

"Yep that's right, the hero has arrived" said America before getting a shoulder to his side by Iyong ju. "Seriously Alfred? You're not the only one who came here you know" said Iyong ju. "Huh..? Oh my...Alfred is that who I think it is? Oh it is" said Canada who was surprised to see Iyong ju. "Long story short, my boss was held hostage by my 2P till he was saved by me and Iyong ju. He then trusted us to come up all the way to your country just to stop your 2P from getting to your boss" said America. "Oh....but why?" asked Canada. "We'll explain later, but for now you're safe with us and you should be grateful" said Iyong ju.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Thank you for both of you to come and save me" said Canada with a smile. "When we found you, you seemed all shook up all of a sudden. What happened?" asked America. "Well...I came back to my house with more maple syrup and once I get inside, I usually see Kumajirou in his daily spot; but he wasn't there. I did looked around to see if I could find him and at first I thought he was prancing me, so I kept moving forward till I reached a closed door. I opened it and went inside the room, once I went inside I saw Kumajirou tied up and that's where my 2P appeared right before my eyes. He was about to do something threatening to me, but your 2P came in and acted as a distraction allowing me to run" said Canada. "Oh really now? Where are they now?" asked Iyong ju. "I don't know. I ran far enough into the woods and I'm starting to wonder if they were following me, but I didn't even realize it" said Canada. "Don't worry Matthew, we'll take care of the issue and when I mean we I meant Iyong" said America. "Exac- hold on...you can be serious right? Why am I going to face them? What are you going to do Alfred?" asked Iyong ju. "Oh that's simple, I'm going to be helping Matthew escape. Why you ask? Because I'm the hero and I get to make the decisions" said America while smiling triumphantly. "Yeah...sure you are" mumbled Canada.

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