Part 12

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Both Prussia and Roland had came back from Austria and are back in China. "Looks like ve had arrived" said Prussia with a smirk. "Being on an airplane iz so boring, but I'm glad ve made it" said Roland. When walking back to China's house, they noticed Italy who was forced into training by Germany. "Italy! Keep up zhe pace!" yelled Germany as Italy flinched and picked up his pace. "Gee, mein unawesome bruder iz alvays training und I just can't get him to stop" said Prussia.

"It's all about zhat healthy plan" said Roland. Soon Prussia and Roland made it to China's house and when they came in they noticed Germany sitting on the couch. "I see zhat jou dummkopfs have return" said Germany while looking at both Prussia and Roland. "Uhh... bruder.... I zhought jou vere outside" said Prussia who was surprised. "Vhat are jou talking about?" asked Germany. "Vhat he's saying iz zhat, veren't jou training vith Italy?" asked Roland.

"Nein, I vasn't" said Germany. Prussia noticed a white cast on Germany's ankle and thought it wasn't there at first. "Vhy iz zhere a cast on jour ankle?" asked Prussia while pointing at Germany's ankle. "Bruder I broke it und Japan says it vould take avhile" said Germany as Japan walked into the living room. "Vait a minute, if jou're here zhan vho's zhe one training Italy?" asked Roland. "Werr it rooks rike we have no choice but to terr you" said Japan.

"Tell us vhat?" asked Prussia. "Vhatever ve tell jou, jour not gonna like it" said Germany. "I'm pretty sure by zhis time ve don't care" said Roland. Soon Japan told them everything while Germany was adding in a couple of things.

~Meanwhile With Italy~

Italy was on a field with Iyong ju who was in the form of Germany for training and Italy was catching his breath from running to much. "Alright Feliciano, ve are done vith training today" said Iyong ju in Germany's voice. "Oh that's-a.... great" said Italy while still catching his breath. Soon Iyong ju turned back to his regular form and pulled out the list for today's training. "Say Iyong ju, do you-a want to make-a pasta with me?" asked Italy. "Yes, yes I do" said Iyong ju with a smile.

When Iyong ju and Italy came back to China's house, they noticed Prussia and Roland while Japan was talking to them. "Ve~! Germany! I'm-a done training and I-a want to make pasta" said Italy as both Prussia and Roland turned to face him. They soon noticed Iyong ju standing right next to Italy who than gave off a small wave. "Vest are jou crazy!? Vhy iz North Korea here?" asked Prussia. "Hold on, did you tell them that I was here?" asked Iyong ju. "Iyong ju! It's-a okay you can-a trust them" said Italy as Iyong ju looked at him.

"I can?" asked Iyong ju. "Of course you can, but mostry Girbert" said Japan. "But Vest I zhought ve vere going vith mein awesome plan" said Prussia with a disappointed look on his face. "Ve vere, but Iyong ju just vants to be here" said Germany. "But for vhat reason exactly?" asked Prussia. "For a reason that we don't know" said Japan.

"I have two reasons of why I'm here. I actually have about three to four reasons" said Iyong ju. "Vhat are zhe reasons?" asked Roland. "To pay my respects for my brother, to mostly get my revenge on Arthur, to become friends with you all, and to hide from the 2Ps" said Iyong ju. "So jou just vant to be friends? Vell zhan jou're going to be mein new awesome best friend" said Prussia before smiling. "Really? Gee, thanks" said Jason. "Jou're velcome, I'm alvays zhere for new friends" said Prussia.

"Did anyzhing happen vhile ve vere gone?" asked Roland. "Ja, zhere vas. Ve got an unexpected surprise from zhe 2Ps" said Germany. "Jou mean zhat Lutz, Matt, und Al came here to China?" asked Roland. "Vell ja. Hold on... how did jou even know that?" asked Germany. "It's because me und Oliver vere sent to come to China und find North Korea. But it seems zhat Luciano knows zhat ve betrayed zhem" said Roland.

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