Part 21

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"I can't believe you distracted me Al, you're worse than Oliver. No scratch that, you're worse than your 1P" said Matt. "What!? How did I distract you? I basically came upstairs to find you and- hey! I'm nothing like my 1P" said Al. "Oh yes you are. I told you to deal with America's boss, but you allowed yourself to walk out with your back turned just to let him get saved" said Matt. "It wasn't my fault okay. I swear to god that I thought nobody would knew what was going on" said Al. "Like I'll ever believe that" said Matt while rolling his eyes.

Ever since Canada got out of the clutches of his own 2P, both Matt and Al decided to chase after him into the woods. However once they gotten into the woods, both Matt and Al argued and yelled at each other for nearly half an hour. "God I hate you, Matt" said Al who was very mad. "What did you just say to me?" asked Matt who wasn't dealing with Al's crap for today. "You heard me you bastard, I hate you....I [beep]ing hate you!" yelled Al before getting a punch to the face from Matt. " did not just say that" said Matt who felt a throbbing pain in his fist. Al takes a hand and rubs his face a bit before noticing a small trail on blood on his hand.

"Oh yes I did. What are you going to do about it?" asked Al. Matt then takes out his hockey and makes a swinging motion with it before bringing it down on Al; however, Al sees this and blocks the attack with his baseball bat. "Big mistake, Matt" spat Al. "Does it look like that I care!?" yelled Matt. Soon both Matt and Al were seen fighting each other out in the middle of the woods without even knowing that Iyong ju was secretly watching them up high in a tree. "Man....these two are a bunch of idiots. I honestly feel so bad for them even though I don't" said Iyong ju.

Matt and Al were about to finish each other off by attacking at the same time, but they both got their arms caught by Iyong ju. "What the? You again? I thought you would of gotten caught by both the rest of the Axis and Allied Powers" said Matt. "Why weren't you two on punishment?" asked Iyong ju. "That's none of your [beep]ing business!" yelled Al who managed to get out Iyong ju's grasp. Al then charges at Iyong ju and attempted to hit him with his bat, but once again it was caught by Iyong ju. "Ah s**" said Al before getting pushed back and collided with a tree.

Matt sees this before readying his hockey stick and made an attempt to hit Iyong ju from behind, however Iyong ju senses this and quickly grabbed Matt's stick. "Oh crap, not again" mumbled Matt before getting tossed by Iyong ju. Al who was recovering slowly stand up only to get knocked back down by an incoming flying Matt. "Well that was easy as I expected" said Iyong ju. As Iyong ju was about to turn and leave the woods, he was suddenly stopped by Vladimir. "What the?'re not the Russia that I know" said Iyong ju while slowly backing away from Vladimir.

"That's right North Korea. I'm his 2P, but you may call me Vladimir" said Vladimir in a cold tone. "Don't you have the same last name as your counterpart?" asked Iyong ju. "Last names aren't important as first names" said Vladimir before pulling out a faucet pipe that looks the same as Russia's. 'Oh great, he also has faucet pipe. I thought he would have something that's a bit more threatening. I guess not' thought Iyong ju before suddenly hearing a couple of bushes rustling. Out of the bushes stepped out Akbar who had his long white hair blowing in the breeze. "Greetings zhere, jou must be North Korea. Allow me to tell jou vho I am. I know zhat I remind jou of someone zhat jou know, but I'm the 2P counterpart. I am known as zhe myth, zhe legend, but zhey call me Akbar zhe king of zhe awesome Teutonic Knights" said Akbar.

"The king of the Teutonic Knight....pfft....yeah right" scoffed Iyong ju. "How dare jou mock me, jou just made jourself an enemy" said Akbar. "Oh really? What are you going to do? Think something bad enough to hurt me?" asked Iyong ju while snickering. All of sudden Akbar pulls out a sword from a scabbard that was on one of his sides and points it at Iyong ju. "Behold zhe sword of legends, zhe Holy Sword. Tales about zhis sword iz zhat it vas blessed by zhe gods and it's main purpose vas to kill dragons" said Akbar. "So you're telling me that you believe in fairy tale magic. That's so ridiculous" said Iyong ju who was trying to hold in a laugh. "It's not ridiculous! I'm being serious here" said Akbar.

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