"A couple of days ago?? But...usually it takes at least week for student's papers to process from their previous school.." She set the note down. "And, like I said before...Mr. Ahn is so picky.."

Seeing Taehyung's demeanor change from somewhat calm, to visibly nervous in a matter of seconds, Jungkook decided to take it upon himself to try and hurry the conversation along - since, it was obvious to him that all of Cindi's questioning was making the older a bit anxious.

"Well, who knows. but...all that matters is that Taehyung got in for a reason. And that reason is he, obviously, met the standards to be in our academy. So, I guess we shouldn't question Mr. Ahn's decision." Jungkook says, though, in reality, he wouldn't have minded to hear more of an explanation - as he couldn't help to be curious how Taehyung managed to be accepted into the extremely prestigiuos high.

"I suppose so.." Cindi adjusted her glasses and perks up. "So, you weren't given a uniform, you say?"

Taehyung nodded.

"Hmm, how odd. Usually students are given ones prior to their first day." She rubs her chin, thinking. "Well, we may have a few in the supply room near the gym. So, you might want to check back there." She reached up to the keyrack above her desk and pulled a key with a stretchy band down. Before she hands it to Jungkook - who had stuck his hand out to grab it - she pulled her hand back. "BUT. You need to bring this back to me as soon as you're done, understand?" She says.

"Yes, I understand." Jungkook says.

"Remember, you're the only student I will entrust this to, so, don't let me down Jungkook."

Jungkook snatches the keys and puts his hand through the stretchy band. "Don't worry. You know I'm no rebel."

Cindi lifted her eyebrow. "Alright... - she shoos them out - now. get going. You don't have much longer before the bell rings."

"Got it." Jungkook gave her a thumbs up and she turned back around towards the cabinet to continue what she was doing. Jungkook then grabs onto Taehyung's hand and pulls him out of the office - heading towards the supply room.

✎ . . . .

Supply room | 12:50pm

"Ah, now there you go." Jungkook ran his hands along Taehyung's shoulders - smoothing out his brand new, navy-blue school uniform that he had just finished changing into. "Now you get to look just as boring as everyone else does. Aren't you thrilled?" Jungkook asked in a facetious manner, earning a small smile from the older, of whom was standing quietly in front of him.

a/n: um, this is probably a really dumb question, but....is "of whom" even proper english, or am i just making shit up now?? you would think i would know, but I really don't. it SOUNDS right to me, but i seriously have no freaking clue

Taehyung looked down and watched as Jungkook was fiddling around with his tie. "T-thank you.."

Jungkook looks up at him. "For what?" He asked.

"For h-helping me find a s-suit..."

"Oh, it was no trouble at all." Jungkook gives him a smile, causing Taehyung's heart to flutter a bit.

"A-are you always t-this nice...?"

"I'm just doing what I would hope someone would do for me if I were in your position." Jungkook dropped his arms to the sides after properly tying his tie.

"I-I wish everyone t-thought the s-s-same way as you. I a-asked people to h-help me find you...b-but they just l-looked at me like I was a c-creep and walked the other w-way.."

-SINISTER | vkook (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now