Just How Sure Are Ye of That?

Start from the beginning

"IN!" McGonagall's voice rang sternly.

"Sure, I'll cut you in -- what'd'ya wanna bet --"

"I MEAN IN THE CLASSROOM!" She snapped, and McGonagall pointed to the open Transfiguration room, "The lot of you. Aside from you, Potter. The rest of you are to read the second chapter of your textbooks until we return. Potter, let's go and sort this out."

Sirius grinned. "But - I want to come along and see you kick some ass, Minnie."

She stared at him witheringly, "Mr. Black, do I need to cast a charm which keeps your eyeballs from moving from that textbook in order for the lesson to listen to your professors sinks in for the day?"

Sirius snickered and elbowed Lily, "She's threatening to transfigure me into Remus."


Sirius snickered but followed Remus and Lily into the Transfiguration classroom quickly, squeezing past them both to be the first in and seated. McGonagall waved her wand to slam the door to hide Sirius's beaming face, then turned. "Come along, Potter," McGonagall said and she started down the hall, walking swiftly, her fist balled about her wand.

James glanced back at the classroom door, and then hurried to catch up to her, hands in his pockets as he trotted quickly along to keep up with her fast pace. He was equally excited and terrified what sort of scene awaited him in the Defense room.

Frek was teaching a classroom full of fifth years about advanced shield and blocking techniques when McGonagall blew open the door with her wand and marched in, followed by James. Heads turned (one of them being Regulus Black's) to look at McGonagall as she approached the desk in a temper so complete that Frek dropped his wand to the floor with a clatter and a squeak of nervousness. "M-Missus McGon-ee-gull, ma'm," he stammered, cowering slightly, "Whats'in done brought you about the Defense wing in the mid'l'o' the day like this?"

"Mister Vickermann," she said as she approached, ignoring his greeting and question. McGonagall looked at the empty teacher's seat, "Where is Mister Tyr?.... The one who is supposed to be teaching this class?"

"Oh Messer Garm's gone ter bed with a headache," Frek said, voice shaky. "Asks not to be disturbed, he did." Frek spotted James. "Iffen this is in regards to Mr. Potter's punishment, I assures you that it was mostly deserved and you'll be hard put ter make Garm go back on it."

"Well, I am most sorry but that is simply unacceptable!" McGonagall turned to the private office and, as all the students gasped and began to chatter to one another behind her back, she blew opened that door as well without so much as a blink of hesitation, and went barreling in. James hesitated slightly, then trotted after her once again, eager to - as Sirius had put it - see Minnie kick some arse.

Garm had been laying across the couch, a cold compress on his forehead, groaning. He swore in disapproval as the door opened with a bang. "Merlin curse you Frek! I've already told you twice not to bother me and — Minerva!" He had sat up and seen who it was that had entered, his compress falling to the floor in his surprise as he scrambled to his feet. "Well isn't this -- unexpected. What brings you by?" His eyes met James's.

"Garmolin Winnifred Tyr!" McGonagall shouted, pushing James to the forefront. "What is the meaning of this boy's silent condition?"

Garm stared at James for a long moment, then looked at McGonagall. "He spoke out of turn."

"Release his tongue. Now." She was staring very sourly at Garm. If there was even a drop of amusement in her, she was not showing it.

Garm however, was very amused, and his mouth curved into a wide smirk. "My how you've changed Minnie, since the olden days..."

McGonagall's eye narrowed.

"You would've had a good laugh back in school! Hey, just imagine if it was old Flea this happened to... Would've been great ...just tickled ... to see him shut up about himself for even a moment, am I right?"

"Re.Lease. This. Boy's Tongue. Now." The words were ice cold and deliberate.

Garm chuckled. "We could duel for it. Like the old days? You and me and -- what, Al and little old Fil?"

"Trust me, Mr. Tyr, you wouldn't want to duel against me," McGonagall's voice was sharp. "Particularly in the state of mood I am in and am pressed deeper into with every passing moment you have'na released this boy's tongue!"

Garm grinned and leaned in a way that made his hair look too heavy for his neck to hold up, a mocking grin playing about his face, his tongue slightly out and his teeth glinting. James noticed for the first time that his canine teeth were whiddled sharp like the way Fenrir Greyback's were - though not quite as noticeably. But close. He made a mental note to mention it to Remus and see what he thought of it. 

"I think I know a fair good more curses than you do, Minerva. I am the Dark Arts teacher, after all." Garm chuckled.

"Do you know more curses than I do?" she challenged, drawing her wand, "And just how sure are ye about that?"

There was a long pause as they considered one another, staring into each others' eyes. Garm's eyes flickered to Minnie's wand in her fist. Garm drew his wand as well and James was very near to thinking about jumping out of the way of what was sure to be a bloody terrifying duel (he had no doubt McGonagall would win), but instead of squaring off, Garm simply waved the wand and released James's tongue lock.  "Better?" he asked.

McGonagall nodded as James rubbed his throat. "Good enough for right now, at least. But I will have you know, Mr. Tyr, that I will speak with the Headmaster about this and see what he makes of you! In nearly twenty-years of teaching at this school, I have never seen anyone punish a student like that! It's ridiculous!"

Garm shrugged, "Yes, well, a good deal of things are ridiculous about here, aren't they?"

McGonagall made a face, but instead of replying, she snapped, "Come, Potter. Back to class." She turned and ushered James out, but paused in the doorway herself,. Garm stood before the couch looking after them with a funny expression on his face. "You know, Mr. Tyr, I am aware of everything you've gone through - with Sabrina and you so-called mission. But I'll have you know that if Sabrina could see you now —" she let the sentence hang, her head shaking with the weight of the words she was thinking.

Garm's voice came quietly, with a bit of a tremble to them. "Then she wouldn't want to look."

McGonagall stared at him. "Not at the moment, no."

He nodded, "I'm well aware, don't you worry your bonnie mind about that." And he waved for her to leave. "Go," he commanded, and the moment she'd stepped out, he slammed the door with magic behind her.

Frek and the students in the classroom all were staring at the office door with gaping mouths. James wondered if McGonagall's voice had carried loud enough for them all to have heard. She didn't even blush as she marched James out the door and down the corridor.

"That was brilliant, Professor," James used his newly returned ability to speak, looking at her in admiration.

McGonagall stopped and turned to face him. "You'll do well, Mr. Potter, to remember this and to follow Professor Tyr's rules from now on. He is not a man to be crossed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Professor."

She nodded curtly and turned again, walking swiftly down the hall.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now