Once the two were done, they both surely thought that the others were asleep. They had taken so long, like ten minutes. It wasn't that long but still it felt like ages to latch.

Latch had a feeling in his stomach, a dusty feeling.

"H-hey can we stay together? I-I mean with the mist and all.." latch asked, following closely behind minute.

"I guess it wouldn't that bad of an idea huh?" Minute replied, of course, minute noticed the sound of his voice. It was laced with fear! Had latch been really scared about the mist?

"We will just have to keep walking around to keep the premiere.. nothing too big.." phone stated as they walked, breaking the mist apart as they did so.

"Alright.. t-thanks.." latch muttered? He didn't realise it but from the way that his voice sounded, he did.

Latch couldn't shake the feeling off! He tried slouching over as soon as he heard that he was going to be on night watch! Of course, that didn't work.. plus the way that minute was speaking made another feeling wash over latch. He couldn't help feel as if minute wasn't happy with him. It made his insides turn and twist. He knew he was being selfish but he just did not want to be out! Now on a night like this anyway.

They circled the tent, at slower speeds than normal, hoping to save energy. They had to do this all night due to the fact of them being together like how latch wanted.

As time and night went on the mist and worry never did. Though minute tended not to worry or didn't seem like he was, latch was showing. He would look around as if something could pounce onto him! Like with sparrow!

He shivered at that thought and sped up to catch up with minute. He felt safer with someone by his side, he didn't want to be alone. Though the worried feeling never left latch...

Minute, on the other hand, looked calm. He looked calm. On the inside minute... he was starting to get a little bit worried, he thought he saw some mist part a while back, like if something were to walk through.. yet he saw nothing else to indicate that something was there.

He didn't say anything because he wanted to believe that it his eyes were playing jokes on him and it was quite dark as well. Part of the reason was also the fact that latch might freak out and minute didn't want that.

More time went on of them just walking and walking around the camp, their legs started to feel heavy as they walked.

Squuushhhhh POP (me tryna represent wet noises from an egg...spoilers... I practically just gave it away to some people- )

Both latch and minute turned around, latch being more so closer to where the noise had come from.

Latch shivered as a few seconds after he saw the bushes move! There was something there though minute nor latch knew what it was. Q

It was too small for those things that the army had shown them and still too small for that hound creature. What was it??

Latch went on a little closer, knife out. he wanted to prove to minute he wasn't a scaredy-cat. He has had a lot of training, he was ready. Or so he thought.

"Latc-" minute almost shouted in a whispering voice but latch cut him off with a shakey shhh. He could do this, he just had to believe in himself.

He slowly but surely made his way over to the large array of bushes while minute watched. Coming in but still keeping distance.

The bushes didn't move again, it was like whatever was in there was gone-

Latch saw a tail. A boney white pale tail. His breathing became deeper but minute didn't notice till latch held up his hand, motioning him to stop. in this case, minute did. 

latch moved closer, not taking his eyes of the tail like creature, till it moved. it was more like a flinch, this caused latch to hold his breath.  he gripped his knife harder as he trembled along. 

all this while minute stood back, he could see the creature. for all he knew it could have been the creature the army had warned them about, yet they had been told to watch it and learn about it. Minute was about to go and get the others if it was the creature. but it wasn't.

latch fell back in a sudden movement, stopping minute in his tracks. His body slamed onto the ground with a thud almost makinh minute jump as he watched.

A small gaging sound cam from latch while minute shouted out everyone's names.

Once he knew everyone was up, minute ran over to latch. Being careful of the creature that was currently stretched across latchs face.

Then latchs body when limp as everyone arrived. A thousand things were running through minutes mind as was everyone else's.

Was latch dead?

Phone was panicking while you stood there in shock. 'How could this happen' was running through your mind.

The sides of the creature were moving, as if it was breathing.

"What the fuck happened, minute?" Phone said in a deep tone, walking closer to minute and latch. Spider and you stood still.

"I-I dont know... i was walking around when latch said he saw something an-and..!" His voice waved away, like his pride. How could he let this happen?

"Alright alright, lets just do something about this please!?" Phone questioned to the creature and the limp body under it.

"Get him in a tent now!" You butted in, you couldn't let your fear get the best of you know. After all there still might be a chance for latch- he could still make it, right?

The boys hurriedly picked latch up, careful of the creature who seemed to be tightening its tail around latchs neck. Maybe as a protection mechanism?

You hurried to get the tent open, you used the other tent, not yours. It was the closest.

Minute, spider and phone tushed past you into the tent and placed latch on a bed, Before stepping away.

You couldn't see latchs face, you could only see a limp body and a creature. Now what were you going to do?

You wanted to scream, what were the chances of him being alive after this? A creature which you dont know if its harmful or not was attached to latch! Nothing in this forest was 'loving' maybe the small creatures such as rabbits but anything else.. those creatures would kill you, what makes this different? Oh, wait... that's right its an alien! It could do something much much worse.

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