Chapter Two- Backstabbing Pricks

Start from the beginning

"I cooked it's not poisoned." I whispered and he cracked a grin.

"My father taught me this dish. His mother was southern and it's his favorite dish." I told him and he looked confused.

"No not the bloody Gilbert. He disowned me the second I started practicing my magic. And for the record I go by Petrova not Gilbert. My father is Oliver Evans, he was my father figure. He was also the northern London witch coven leader." I explained and he nodded.

"Why do you go by Petrova?" Damon gritted out making me grin.

"It's my birth right, darling. Elena may say that Grayson and Miranda were her parents but they hated me because of my eye color. They were abusive towards me. That's why I left to London when I got my scholarship acceptance." I told him and he looked shocked.

"Of course she didn't tell you. She likes to make everything about her self. She can be a real Katherine 3.0." I taunted making both Salvatore's glare.

"Why a 3.0?" Elijah asked making me grin and look to him.

"Because I'm 2.0. I was born first. 15 minutes older. But I wouldn't do what She's doing to the Salvatore's. She's the real carbon copy of Katerina." I said making Stefan clench his jaws. One of the compelled girls came over and whispered in my ear.

"Excuse me." I said laying my napkin on the table and got up. I went to the kitchen and took out the desert. I dishes out plates as the women came in with empty plates. They helped me take the hot pie out to the others.

"It's home made peach cobbler. It just came out of the oven." I said setting two plates down in front of Stefan and Damon. They all took a bite and their eyes lit up.

"Oh goody you like it!" I beamed making Nik chuckle.

"Are you having any?" Elijah asked and I shook my head.

"I'm allergic to peaches." I said making them all frown.

"Why make something your allergic too?" Stefan asked and I smiled.

"It goes with the Southern dinner dish, darling. Now eat your pie or no more." I said teasing making them all chuckle.


Klaus' pov

Elijah had woke our siblings when Finn walked in Scarlett let out a gasp and hid behind me bashfully. I knew Finn and her were soulmates.

"Why's the witch hiding?" Kol snickered and he yelped.

"The girl has a name Kol and it's Scarlett" Elijah scolded as she peeked over my shoulder.

"He won't bite, love." I said and she gave me a playful glare.

"Finn." I said and he looked to me confused. I tugged Scarlett out from behind me gently. He went wide eyed.

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