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1) Doyoung wasn't meant to be the "bad guy."

In fact, Doyoung helped Jungwoo and Lucas a lot more than he hurt them. He was not deceitful in any way and genuinely wanted to make up for his past mistake.

2) Jaemin was originally supposed to just be a supporting character.

Yeah, the idea of him being the antagonist kinda just popped up into my head as I was writing lol

3) Jaeyong should've been a ship a few chapters before it was confirmed, but I forgot that I had already used his name as an assassin.

That's the main reason was there was a bit of Taeten in like 2 chapters...

4) I was going to write all of this from when Luwoo first met and the process of falling in love but I wanted it to seem more mature.

I don't know if it worked but, as I was writing, I felt that this story was a lot different from the typical ones you see nowadays.

5) [The Story Of How Luwoo Met]

Jungwoo was first given the assignment to kill Lucas 3 and 1/2 years prior to the end of the book. At the time, they were both in their last year of their 2-year college. Jungwoo initially was only there for the mission, but he came to grow on Lucas. He became friends with Lucas' friends and got all of his information from them. But he really started liking him at a college party when they all played 7 minutes in heaven. Naturally, the two boys got selected and genuinely just talked. It was from then on that Lucas no longer hated Jungwoo and Jungwoo no longer had to pretend like he hated him in the first place. Their first kiss was in a janitor's closet, initiated by Lucas, who wanted to experiment. Obviously, the experiment went well😉😏


I finished watching it recently and it's pretty legit so I figured why not lolololol

7) I use Doyoung too much in my stories

Like I know I only have one other Luwoo story but even then, having a character with a role like his in multiple books is kinda weird but I'm too lazy to change it


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