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The previous day, Jungwoo had scheduled an appointment with Dr. Qian, stating that he needed a flu vaccine. Before heading to his appointment, he stuffed his knife into his pocket.

Of course, he had told Taeyong (and only Taeyong) all of this. Quite frankly, it was obvious that he was scared, that maybe Jungwoo will have to come after him next. Naturally, Taeyong was overthinking.

He drove Jungwoo to the doctor's office, bombarding him with questions as to make sure he didn't get caught.

"How will you not leave any fingerprints? Won't the nurses know that you were in?"

"Shut up and let me do my job." Jungwoo mumbled, getting out of the car.

He walked into the waiting room and checked in under the name 'Kim Dongyoung' for obvious reasons. It was the next on the list and he therefore didn't have to wait very long.

"Kim Dongyoung?" The lady nurse said in the doorway. Jungwoo stood up and followed her to a room. She had told him to wait patiently, for the doctor was currently with another patient.

Of course, Jungwoo had a plan. There was only a 12% chance it could be unsuccessful. And out of that 12% chance was a 3% chance he could wind up dead instead of the target, leaving a 97% chance that he will live to tell the tale.

He hated the math part of this job.

After a while of waiting, he was finally visited by the doctor. "Ah Dongyoung, it's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?" Dr. Qian asked, preparing the vaccine at a small table.

"I've been well."

Jungwoo slowly pulled out the rubber gloves he had taken from the waiting room and slipped them on.

It was now or never.

He jumped off the little bed(?) and crept up behind the doctor, bringing his knife out of his pocket.

However, Dr. Qian turned around at the right moment. "So you're an assassin, huh?" He said, smirking.

From then on, it was quite literally, a battle to the death. Dr. Qian began throwing random objects at him, as Jungwoo made aimless swings with his knife.

"I'm not dying today, kid." The doctor said, picking up the syringe.

He pounced at Jungwoo, who dodged fairly well. However, due to lack of sleep, he kept slipping up. He was in a dangerous situation, which was hardly good.

Dr. Qian started throwing punches as well. Jungwoo got a hard one to the nose, one to the gut, and one to the shoulder. He was bleeding, not severely, but bleeding. It only got worse when the doctor threw the syringe. It landed directly into his thigh, to which he yelped in pain. But because of his adrenaline, he was able to quickly redeem himself.

It seemed the doctor had thought he had genuinely broken Jungwoo for a moment, which was his opening. He lunged at him, pinning him down to the floor on his back. Jungwoo sat on top, and finally sliced his throat despite his struggling. When the bleeding started, he knew it was time to leave. He put the knife back in his pocket and exited the room through the back door. He ran across the street to the landfill with a trash burner. He threw in the knife and rubber gloves; he didn't care how bad it was for the environment right now.

(A/N: yes I know you can't burn a knife but w/e)

Jungwoo then had to run (or limp, rather) all the way back to his house. The large needle was still lodged into his thigh. He wouldn't take it out yet; he would most likely bleed to death.

Finally and exhaustedly reaching his home, he knocked on the door. Renjun answered and screamed, bringing Taeyong and Jaemin to the front as well. Taeyong was more concerned because he had an idea of what was happening. They all rushed him inside and set him into the bathtub so he wouldn't get blood all over the floor.

"Call an ambulance!" Renjun shouted.

Taeyong shook his head, grabbing the first aid kit. "Don't. Jungwoo doesn't like doctors. We should be able to handle this. Just keep this between all of us." He shooed them out.

"Okay, Jungwoo you have a lot of explaining to do."

"He put up a fight." That's all he said.

After bandaging his wounds and pulling out that dreaded needle, Taeyong helped Jungwoo onto the couch. He switched on the news.

"Today, we have two ratifying cases. Earlier, we were alerted that Dr. Qian Kun was found dead in the office after seeing a patient. Qian has so far killed eleven patients by deliberately prescribing the incorrect medications. If you have been taking medications prescribed by Dr. Qian, please bring yourself and the medications to the authorities before your next dosage so you can be professionally represcribed."

"Wait, Jungwoo you've been taking your anti-depressants prescribed by Dr. Qian, right?" Renjun asked.


"We'll go to the police department before noon." Taeyong told him.

"Our second story involves an adult kidnapping case. Wong Boonsri has been arrested for kidnapping her own twenty-one year old son, forcing him to live in her basement against his will for the past year. She is serving life in prison."

Jungwoo's eyes widened. He knew exactly who that report was about.

Wong Boonsri.

Lucas' mother.

Lucas was kidnapped.

He couldn't process it all. He noticed Taeyong looking in his direction to make sure he was alright.

"J-Jungwoo? Isn't that Yukhei's mom...? You said he d—"

"He didn't." Jungwoo said, signaling to Taeyong that he didn't want to have to tell the story. So instead, Taeyong told it.

Oddly enough, Renjun and Jaemin believed it at first listen.

"Oh...and Jungwoo killed Dr. Qian today..."

The two leaned forward. "No way! Is that where you got those injuries?" Jaemin asked.

Jungwoo nodded.

"So...do you think Yukhei will come back?" Renjun said slowly.

He hadn't thought about that. There was a chance now, wasn't there? Of course not. Lucas hated him because he didn't go after him. Because he didn't save him from his mother. Because he let him suffer alone. It was his fault.

Renjun got slapped on the arm by Taeyong. "Nuisance." He muttered.


okay I'm sorry but I never knew how hard it was to write out a murder

also I'm sorry Kun I love ya❤️

I actually kinda liked this chapter tho (that never happens lolol)

Oh yeah and Yukhei's mom's name isn't actually Boonsri (I don't think) but I didn't know her name and Boonsri is a popular Thai name so why not.

But this plot line is one that I genuinely like (also never happens). I think I'm gonna be satisfied with this in the end.


hope you enjoyed!

colorless ; nct luwooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin