15 : epilogue

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Jungwoo woke up in the morning to seeing Lucas' beautiful sleeping face. Even after being together for so long, he knew he'd never get used to it. Looking down, he noticed that their legs and bodies were intertwined. He tried hard not to giggle, but it was too late.

Lucas' eyes fluttered open and landed immediately on him. Embarrassed, Jungwoo turned over and forcefully shut his eyes. He heard Lucas make a noise as arms snaked around his torso. He could feel his warm breath on the back of his neck.

Without warning, Jungwoo turned back over and kissed Lucas. It was quite a long kiss; their tongues moved with each other and their lips were swollen from biting. They pulled away and put their foreheads together, trying to catch their breath.

All of a sudden, the door to their bedroom opened. Standing there was Renjun. They quickly parted. Lucas brought the blankets up to his chest as he was not wearing a shirt. "Give us a warning next time, would ya?"

Renjun rolled his eyes. "You weren't doing anything that bad, I assume. Taeyong's got someone over here if you wanna meet him."

"You remember what happened last time he brought someone into my house?" Jungwoo sighed.

"Oh, so I guess you don't want to meet a...boyfriend?"

Jungwoo jolted up and ran out of the room without fixing up. Lucas still lay in the bed shirtless, bewildered by what just happened.

Walking into the living room, the older saw Taeyong sitting on his couch with another tall man. They were both smiling, something that brought out the stranger's dimples significantly. Jungwoo stood in front of them.

"You're not going to introduce me, Taeyong?"

Taeyong nervously stood up. "Oh uh...yeah of course. This is Jung Yoon-oh but we call him Jaehyun. He's my boyfriend."

Jungwoo mentally facepalmed. Of course Taeyong had to get with an assassin. But if they were together, he probably already knew anyways.

"Oh right, honey this is Jungwoo. He's been my really good friend since high school."

He and Jaehyun shook hands politely and sat back down. Lucas entered the room, putting on his shirt. "This is Yukhei, Jungwoo's boyfriend." They nodded to each other and Lucas took his seat next to Jungwoo.

"What happened to him and Chittaphon?" He whispered to him.

Lucas shrugged his shoulders.

Renjun sat back down in his usual chair, turning on a movie for everyone while he contemplated what to cook. Jungwoo and Lucas were sitting down on the floor but they didn't mind much. Lucas spooned, as he typically did. He snuggled into Jungwoo's nape.

"You smell really nice." He said softly. Jungwoo turned around, flushed. Lucas just gave him a dorky smile and grabbed a blanket from the couch behind him. They cuddled under it, so it was less awkward for the other people present.

During the movie, Lucas had fallen asleep. His head was thrown to the side, and Jungwoo was concerned for him. "Stupid...you'll strain your neck like that." He hoisted him onto the second couch, putting a nice pillow under his head and covering him with the blanket they shared. As he was about to get up off the floor and walk away, Lucas grabbed his hand.

"Come lay down with me...it's cold."

Jungwoo playfully rolled his eyes and did as the younger had said. Once he found the other's hand under the blankets, he intertwined their fingers. Lucas looked back at him briefly before smiling and continuing to watch the rest of the movie.

He glanced over, only to see Taeyong and Jaehyun doing similar to what they were. Taeyong was in Jaehyun's arms, completely engrossed in the TV whereas Jaehyun was very subtlely admiring the other in his grasp. It was funny, really.

As soon as the movie ended, Renjun came into the room bringing bowls of ice cream for everyone. Jungwoo and Lucas sat up, desperately reaching for the ice cream. Once the bowls were in their grasp, they began demolishing. With a little bit left, they fed each other spoonfuls.

Lucas laughed. "Ah...on your lip..."

"Ah." Jungwoo licked his lips, obviously getting rid of the crumb. However, Lucas kept shaking his head.

"No no, you keep missing it."

Smirking, Jungwoo said, "You get it, then."

Lucas smiled. "Gladly." He kissed Jungwoo, both beaming through.

Pulling away, but still leaving their faces only inches away from each other, Lucas whispered, "You're so cute."

Taeyong rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey guys, don't take it personal, but we're gonna leave." The remaining three nodded and waved them goodbye. Once they left, Jungwoo and Lucas immediately turned their head to Renjun.

He looked at them for a moment. "Hey, I don't care what y'all do, so long as I can still hear the TV."

They smiled and went back into their bedroom. Jungwoo jumped on the bed. "I wanna go back to sleep."

Lucas rubbed his back momentarily. "Then go back to sleep; I'm not stopping you."

"But you have to sleep too...you're warm."


He crept under the covers next the Jungwoo and ran his fingers through his hair, hoping that that would help him sleep. Gladly, it was working, but not in the way he had intended. The two were now asleep together in their room, Lucas' limo hand now resting on Jungwoo's shoulder and Jungwoo's, wrapped around the other's free arm.

They were together. After a year of being separated, being alone, being starved, being sad, it all came back to this. It was surprising, to say the least, how the strings were pulled just fortunately enough to ensure happiness. Jungwoo's happiness. Lucas' happiness. Their happiness. It affected the atmosphere, as well as the people around them.

But now,

They were finally rid of Lucas' mother.

They were finally rid of Doyoung.

They were finally rid of Jaemin.

Now, they were safe.



I really don't know how to end a book oof

But THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR READING (if you actually read)


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