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Kim Jungwoo was hospitalized on September 30, 2018.

He was assaulted by a man called "Na Jaemin."

Please report any information that could contribute to this case to the authorities.

As he slowly came to his senses, Jungwoo winced in utter pain. Every inch of his body was sore.

Fluttering his eyes open, he was met by his one and only. Lucas looked at him sleepily for a millisecond before jolting upwards in delight.

He grabbed the other's hand, causing Jungwoo to shake. Lucas sheepishly released his grip. Instead, he very carefully placed his hand on Jungwoo's cheek, caressing it. The latter smiled.

Taeyong and Renjun were both fast asleep on a pull-out bed. Lucas kicked them to wake them up. Noticing, they rushed over to him.

"Are you alright?"

"Jesus Christ, do you even know what happened?"

The noise made Jungwoo's head hurt. Lucas hushed them as Taeyong rushed to get the doctor.

Not long after, two doctors and a nurse had come in quickly. They did a lot of things that Jungwoo couldn't necessarily comprehend. He hardly even knew where he was.

Once they all left leaving only him and his friends again, he sat up with the help of Lucas.

"Do you remember anything?" Lucas asked softly.


"Can you tell me?"

"Jaemin is an assassin."

There was a silence.

"You were slashed, Jungu. They found 32 cuts. You almost bled to death." Taeyong spoke up.

Jungwoo nodded stiffly in understanding.

"Does it still hurt anywhere?" Lucas asked.

"It hurts everywhere."

Lucas sighed. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"No it's not."

"Snoopy, you don't understand. Jaemin had broken into my mom's house and helped me in the basement. I...told him to check up on you for me. I never knew he would do something like this..."

Jungwoo was touched. Lucas had sent Jaemin in his place because his mom would notice if he left. It was to check up on him. To make sure he was alright.

So that's why Jaemin kept asking what he meant to me.

The question now was: Who does Jaemin work for?

There was Jung Yoonoh; he had quite a large association around the 38th parallel. There was also Mark Lee; he similarly had a fairly widespread assassin group (that wasn't necessarily based in Korea). Those were all he could think of.

"Ah ah...you should rest. The doctors said you can be released in three days." Lucas said, helping him to lay back down comfortably.

October 3, 2018

Kim Jungwoo is still hospitalized.

Please send him your best regards.

"I wanna go home." Jungwoo said, clinging onto Lucas' neck as he was being lifted from the hospital bed.

"I know, baby. That's where we're going."

The nurse had helped him into the wheelchair and rolled him out of the room. As they walked, he spoke up.

"I'm leaving some painkillers with you. They obviously won't completely numb the pain but it should help. You shouldn't make large movements on your own. If the pain gets to the point where it is unbearable, make sure to come back."

Lucas nodded, taking in every single word. Jungwoo hardly understood.

Renjun and Taeyong had left the night before, leaving Jungwoo in Lucas' hands. They had gone to the house, and would be there when the two arrived.

As they made it to the front doors of the hospital, the nurse stopped. Jungwoo was helped up and was held delicately by Lucas as they walked across the parking lot to his car. Jungwoo sat in the passenger seat comfortably.

Where is Jaemin?

Who does he work for?

Why was it me?

Random thoughts of how he had even ended up in this situation began popping up in his head while Lucas was driving.

Almost to their house, Jungwoo got another call. An unknown number. He answered it, despite knowing it could not possibly be Doyoung.

"I'm not sorry."

"You should've bled to death."

"This is why you're a disappointment to society."

"No. To Lucas."

"He's tired of dealing with you."

"You keep getting him involved in things he doesn't want to get involved in."

"You had to kill him and you still genuinely think that he's with you because he 'loves' you?"

"He's only with you because he doesn't want to get hunted down again."




I tried some new formatting to make this seem a little more s p o o k y

I hope it worked.

I know no one's actually reading this, but if you happen to be no one, I hope you enjoyed :)

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