Chapter 1: The Day My Life Changed

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"Wow it looks great in here," I say as I look around the room. I look at my mother standing next to me with a worried look on her face, she has been so nervous about the upcoming coronation and she wants everything to be perfect, which means she has been more controlling over me. I am not really sure why my mum is so nervous it really should be my father who is nervous after he is becoming king in a few days. I should probably explain my name is Sofia María Rodríguez and I am a princess of Corta Luna, my mother is Princess Lena and my father is Prince Sebastian and he will be crowned king in 3 days.

"Come on Sofia, stop gawking at the room and follow me," My mother says. I hadn't even noticed her move from beside me. I quickly run after my mother.

"So mum how is dad holding up?" I ask.

"Sofia you know your father, so you know that he is currently a nervous wreck,"

"He doesn't look nervous,"

"He doesn't look nervous on the outside but on the inside he is freaking out,". I follow her into her room, she then walks into her wardrobe and I wait for her outside her wardrobe. She comes back and hands me a dress. "You will be wearing this at the coronation so go hang it up in your and try not to get it dirty," She says

"Don't worry I won't," I say as I am walking out of her room. I go to my room and hang up the dress. I then hear my phone ringing I pick it up it is my friend Emma. Emma is from the U.S we met when I was over there two years ago and I managed to escape all of my security.

"Hey Em what's up,"

"Not much, how's the coronation prep going?"

"Good, my mother is in full preparation mode and my father is a nervous wreck who looks like he is about to break down at any minute,"

"Wow, I wish I could come it would be really good to see you again plus I would really like to see your father as a nervous wreak because last time I saw him he looked so serious,"

"Well even if you could get over here it would be funny watching you trying to get past the guards," I say. We chat for a while and catch each up with what's been going on in our lives, I tell her about everything that has been happening at the palace and she tells me about life in high school and her boyfriend. I have always secretly wanted to have Emma's life. I have always just wanted to be normal even for a day, I just love to image my life without all the rules and responsibilities.


After talking for a while I have to hang up because my father wants to see me in the library.

"Hey dad you wanted to see me," I say

"Yes come in," he says. I walk in to the library and as I walk in further I notice that the entire royal council is standing around a table.

"Whats going on here," I look at their faces and I can tell that something is wrong.

"We have a problem," One of the council members says.

"Well what is it?" I ask.

"There has been a threat made to the throne," The leader of the council says. He hands me a computer with an email open I read it and I can't believe what it says.

"So basically this person is saying that bad things will happen to us if my father is crowned king," I say. they nod there heads. "how do we know that this isn't just a hoax,"

"We tracked the email to a person who has many connections to disbanded terrorist groups and he could be dangerous, unfortunately we were not able to find out where they are," A council women says.

"So what are we supposed to do?"

"We have to cancel the coronation and you must go into hiding until we figure this out," My father says.

"What why must I leave what about you,"

"We can protect ourselves but encase something happens to us we must make sure you are ok so you can take over," My father says.

"Ok, where am I going?"

"We have contacted Emma's parents and they said that you could stay with them, you are leave in 3 hours," My mother says.


"Yes, so you better start packing," My mother says.

"And no one except for Emma's family can know who you really are," My father says.

"Why can't anyone know?" I ask.

"Because if your true identity got out it would put you at risk of being found by this person and anyone he is working with," My mother says. Everyone starts talking again as I head to the door, I can't believe I have to leave. I rush back to my room and call Emma to ask if she knew about me coming and she said that she only just found out. I pack my bags and then I am taken to the airport. I say good bye to my parents and get on the plane. When I arrive Emma and her mum meet me at the airport, I am over joyed to see her but I am also very sad that I had to leave my parents and my country. So I guess this is my new life now.


Hi guys hope you like my new book

I deleted my old one because i had no ideas for it

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