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     Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've gotten busy with other things. Also, this was supposed to be longer but I decided to split it since I already had taken a long time to write it, I didn't want you to wait longer.

                 ••••Kelly's POV••••

    When Matt told us about Seth's parents, I took off after him. I felt so bad that we continuously spoke about heroes and I had completely forgotten about Seth's parents.

"Seth, wait up!" I call after him, seeing him down the hall. He didn't stop. If anything, he sped up. "Please, Seth! Wait!" I call again. He slows down enough for me to catch up. Thank the lord..we both know I can't catch him.

We walk side by side in silence for a bit.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble, "For your loss and for talking about heroes so much.." I apologize, biting my lip.

He doesn't respond.

"None of us meant to." I add.

No response.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

He stops walking and so do I. "Not right now." He mumbles.

"Then come over my house after school. We can talk then." I tell him.

He looks over at me, "..okay..." He mumbles.

The bell rings.

"I'll see you later, Seth. We'll meet at your locker." I say, smiling. He nods and quickly walks off to class. I frown, disliking seeing Seth upset. He'll be okay..


  Once the bell rang, I was out of class before you could say 'mozzarella'....sorry, I'm hungry.

I walk to my locker first, putting my books away that I didn't need to take home with me.

"Hey Kelly!" Reese greets, walking over.

"Hey Reeses Puffs! I hope you don't mind, I'm walking home with Seth today." I say, shutting my locker.

"Is it because of what happened at lunch?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yep." I pop the 'p', locking my locker. "I felt bad and I would rather him talk to someone instead of bottling his emotions." I smile at Reese.

"...did you have health today?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Rude." I glare at him, "I could be doing this because I care about him." I tell him. "But yeah I did and I hated every minute of it - but that's not why I'm helping him!" I defend myself.

"Alright, alright, I get it." He chuckles, "Doesn't he have practice for track today?" Reese reminds me.

"Oh yeah..I guess I'll wait for him." I shrug it off.

"Okay.." Reese mutters, "I guess I'll head home now. See you tomorrow, Kelly." Reese smiles and waves as he heads to the school doors.

"Peace Reese!" I gasp, "That actually rhymed!" I exclaim a second after. I hear Reese laugh before the door shuts behind him.

I walk outside to the track, taking a seat on the bleachers. I look around at all of them, noticing Seth talking to a few of his track mates. He finally notices me and stops talking so I smile and wave at him.

His track mates look over to see what he was staring at, when they see me, they turn back to Seth to playfully punch him. I just giggle and shake my head.

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