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                            's been a while uh that's my bad. I'm really sorry. I'm trying not to do this anymore but it's kinda hard. Thankfully though school is almost over and I'll have all summer to work on my stories! Well for now, enjoy this chapter!!

*Kelly's POV*

I whimper softly, straining to open my eyes as I still feel the dried blood on my legs. I feel almost paralyzed, unable to move my sore body. Though my eyelids refuse to open, the room was bright. Or there was at least some bright light source above me, most obviously being a light.

The silence in the room gave off an uneasy vibe. But on the bright side, I didn't feel any glass shards piercing my skin and blood seemed to have stopped leaking. Was I stitched up? Does that mean I'm in a hospital?

Then, there were voices. They seemed to be coming outside of the room. I force my eyes open, my eyelids fluttering as they adjusted. As I assumed, there was a bright light hanging above my head. I was laying in a hospital bed. Though, there weren't any IV stands of any sort, just me and the emptiness of the room.

"Are you sure you don't want to check up on her? If she's not awake now, she should be soon." The voice I recognize as Seth asked.

"I can't be seen by her. Not here. I've tried convincing her so many times that being apart of this would be dangerous and she'd call me a hypocrite if she saw me here." Is that...Reese?

Oh...I'm starting to remember what happened right before I fell unconscious. It was Reese who found me. I'd recognize that ginger anywhere. He was calling out to someone for help...

"If anything, I think she'd understand a lot better if she knew you were here with us. You've been working with us for a while since we started, she'll realize that you've experienced these situations with us and feel that you were correct." Seth tells him.

...excuse me? Reese has been doing what now?! I sit up quickly, pain surging through my body, though my head mostly. I hold back a wince and bite my lip, looking down at my clothes. I was hesitant at first, not really wanting to see my blood soaked outfit but I realized I was in someone's sweatpants and tee shirt. ..who's clothes are these? And who dressed me?!

Eventually I smell the cologne that stuck onto the clothes I was wearing. It was Seth's. If these were his clothes, does that mean he dressed..

My face felt hot in embarrassment...and a bit of anger. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, trying not to cause me any more pain than needed. The voices outside went silent. Did I make too much noise?

"I'm gonna go now.." I hear Reese whisper, then steps retreating down the hall quickly. I scowl and gently put pressure on my feet once they touch the floor, pain shoots up my legs causing me to wince. The door opens revealing a concerned Seth. He hurries over to my side, gently picking me up and laying me back in the hospital bed.

"Kelly, why would you get out of bed? You're still in pain." He scolds me, furrowing his eyebrows as his eyes scan my body for any new injuries.

"I was going to talk to you and Reese." I admit, looking at the wall, my face flustered.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice his head snap in my direction. " heard us.." He mumbles, smiling nervously.

"Yeah, you guys talk too loud." I huff, still not looking in his direction.

"Um..Kelly, are you alright? your face red? Wait, are you coming down with something?" He places his thumb under my chin gently, trying to make me face him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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