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Quick A/N: I forgot to mention one of Duplicator's abilities in the intro, you'll see soon *wink wonk*

•••Kelly's POV•••

Reese paces back and forth in the hallway, "I knew I should've walked you home! I'm so stupid to have let you walk by yourself. You can't trust anyone anymore. If Shifter wasn't there.." He trails off, his pacing slowing as well.

"Calm down, I was fine. Plus, I met the Shifter, Shifter himself! It was actually pretty exciting." I assure him, "It wasn't your fault either, don't blame yourself." I continue walking to where our lockers are, he quickly follows me.

"I swear Kelly, don't get yourself into more danger like that." Reese warns me, shaking his head. "Anyway, how's the dog? Did you figure anything out about it?" He asks, leaning against his locker which is conveniently three away from mine.

"About her owner; I've got nothing. Though I did take her to the vet the next day and they said there were no serious injuries, also she's a girl. I looked for anything about lost dogs but I didn't find anything." I tell him.

"So you're keeping her for now?" He asks me to which I nod. "Why don't you let Shifter handle it? You never know, he may be able to find the owner very easily." Reese says.

"He's already a busy hero. Besides it's not like I'm ever going to see him again, right?" I chuckle, opening my locker. What the heck?!

Reese must've noticed the shock and confusion on my face because he cocks an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asks.

I pull out my pepper spray from my locker with a note attached to it.

"I forgot to give this back to you on Friday - Shifter."

I put the pepper spray in my book bag, looking confused. "First, he knew my name. Now, where I go to school and my locker? Much less, my combination. This just got a whole lot weirder." The only person I've told my combination is Reese..but he would've told me if he was Shifter, right?

The bell rings and other students in the halls to class.

"We should hurry." Reese says uncomfortably. I sigh, grabbing my books for my first class and closing my locker and I turn around just to bump into someone.

"Sorry, didn't see you there." I apologize, looking up to see who it was.

Seth Cruz.

"Watch where you're going next time." He sighs, sounding awfully tired before walking away. I don't blame him. Do you know how much work our school gives?

"The least you can do is say 'it's alright'!" I call out to him. It's so shocking that Seth and Matt are related. Seth is a complete jerk while Matt is so nice..

He sighs again and turns around, "It's alright...I guess.." He mumbles and then walks away to his first class.

"That actually worked?" Reese and I share a weird glance.

The warning bell rings and Reese and I run to class. We don't want to be late..again.


"Kelly, did you hear about the bank robbery?" Reese asks me as soon as he enters the cafeteria.

"Hell yeah I did! Duplicator kicked ass! It only happened an hour ago and that's all people are talking about." I exclaim, rewatching the footage of Duplicator fighting the bank robbers.

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