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   Sorry for the wait, school has gotten in the way of my publishing schedule. Just going to put this out there: Since LWMB is almost over, I may be focusing on finishing those chapters before I continue publishing chapters for this story. But that doesn't mean I'm putting this story on hiatus!! Even though I won't be able to update every Monday..but enjoy!

••••Kelly's POV••••

I groan in Shifter's arms. "How much longer?" I ask. I feel like we've been flying for hours but I bet it's only been a few couple minutes.

Shifter groans this time. "You asked me that two minutes ago. We're almost there." He sighs in frustration.

"Aren't I heavy? How are your arms not giving out yet?" I ask him.

"If you keep annoying me, they just might." He threatens, narrowing his eyes at me.

I purse my lips, "Now that's just rude." I look away from his eyes. For a hero, he likes to threaten me.

He sighs, "Sorry, there's a lot on my mind, it's nothing bad though.." He says.

"It's good?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, just overthinking things." He admits, "Anyway, ready to see the HQ?" He grins.

"I've been ready since..forever." I grin back at him.

"Since forever?" He chuckles when I nod, "Sure, okay. We're here now. Get ready to meet some supers." He flashes another excited grin in my direction as we land on..a tower? It reminds me of some sort of watch tower. We had one in this city?

He sets me down gently on the roof of the tower. "Be careful up here, okay? You can be clumsy sometimes and I don't need you falling off the roof." Shifter chuckles.

"You don't need to baby me. I'll be fine." I shrug it off.

"Heya!" I hear behind me, causing me to shriek and jump into Shifter's arms. The voice laughs, "Sorry Kelly." I turn my head to see Duplicator.

I hop away from Shifter who had let me jump onto him. "You scared me!" I punch Duplicator in the arm, narrowing my eyes at him.

"First of all, ouch. Second of all, I'm sorry. Third of all, we're all waiting for you in the main room." Duplicator explains, smiling a bit.

"You knew I was coming?" I tilt my head slightly, confused.

"Well, not necessarily. We all started meeting up here recently to discuss the matters on Hero Hunter." Shifter explains with a shrug. I nod in understanding.

"Shall we go, beautiful?" Duplicator asks, smirking at me.

I ignore his compliment and grin at him, "You don't have to ask again!"

"That's the spirit!" He grins back, gently grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me to the door that leads inside.

Shifter trails behind us, "Don't pull her arm off!"

Duplicator leads me to the main room. It was large and surprisingly, more decorated than I expected it to be. I didn't realize supers did interior design. It looks like an office you might find in someone's house..except ten times the size. The bright lights fill the well as all the supers. I gasp at the sight. They were all mingling and talking, not noticing us running in.

That was until the hero who I recognized as Firefly shouts, "Oh nice, you guys are back!" She smiles wide under the mask that covers half her face. She was older than me, older than Shifter too. Maybe early twenties? At least that's what I could tell from what I was able to see.

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