Chapter 6

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No less than 11 hours passed on the infinite plain. But when Ruby, tear stained and exhausted, finally stood up and dragged herself back to the barracks, she found as she had learned to expect; not a single gem noticed her absence. It was not the first night she had spent beyond those walls, and it may not have been her last if not for the perfect, or should I say imperfect alignment of the stars. 

Ruby slipped in as quietly as she could through the tiny broken window. She was prepared to see halls swarming with gems. She was prepared to hop in the nearest line and fallow whatever orders she was given. However, she was not prepared for the quiet corridor she entered. Where is everyone? she wondered. She kept walking. Down through the hallways and passages, she searched, but she found no one. Just as she was beginning to panic she heard a burst of applause exploding from the hall on her left. That hall led to a huge auditorium which was only ever used for special announcements which were few and far between.

Ruby was terrified, but she was brave and her curiosity won over her impulse to hide. So she began, carefully, to make her way over to the the huge auditorium doors, wide open for the first time in Ruby's life. Peaking around the corner, Ruby scanned the room for a place to hide. The other rubies were standing a good distance from the wall. It was too far for her to jump in among them as she had hoped to. Luckily, This room was a bit more decorated than the rest of the building. There were columns staggered up and down the walls which cast shadows along the sides. Perfect, she thought, and sat down in a corner with a good view of the stage.

Only when she was content with the safety of her hiding place did Ruby stop to look up at the stage.    

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