Chapter 3

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Every sapphire entered the court in silence. All Except one. Star was not like the other sapphires. Her hair, which she wore in a long braid, was not blue but a sparkling silver, and her gem was dark blue with streaks of white bursting across it similar to her name sake. It was the envy of every gem with a sense of fashion, and she knew it. She spoke very loud and fast to both everyone and no one at the same time. Her vocabulary seemed to be limited to complaints and gossip. So Sapphire had concluded long ago that Star was not worth listening to. However, she chose to preserve their relationship, and judged in silence.

 When Sapphire entered the room a frown crossed her face and then disappeared so fast it may very well have been imaginary. There was only one empty seat left at the long table, and to it's direct left, sat Star who was currently talking to (or at) a very annoyed looking gem on her other side "--No respect at all. I mean the fact that we have to put up with these conditions. I'm a Sapphire! For stars sake I shouldn't have to walk on the same road with those things, and th--" She spun around to face Sapphire before she could even sit down. "Oh, hello! I love your dress, by the way, but don't you think that style is a little old?" She didn't wait for a response "I was just saying. Isn't the road system just terrible. In my opinion they ought to separate the roads by class, don't you agree. Oh what am I saying? Of course you do!" 

It went on like this for what felt like hours. Sapphire was patient, but this was torture. Finally, Blue diamond stepped in through the large double doors and Sapphire breathed a sigh of relief. Star would never complain about anything while her diamond was present.

"Thank you all for coming" Blue diamond spoke "Pink has taken her first colony. I cannot help but worry that this was all a terrible mistake. So much has gone wrong." Blue diamond stoped and thought for a moment. Then she said simply, "There is a rebellion on her planet."

At this Star gasped in shock for dramatic effect. The rest of the sapphires were unaffected by this news. All eight of them had already seen this in their future vision. Sapphire was curious about the rebels. It was the first time she could ever remember being confused about something. It doesn't make logical sense , she thought, what could possibly be worth risking their lives and status on homeworld? And then, I wish I had something worth fighting for. She pushed these thoughts aside. Thoughts like that could get you shattered, and anyway, she had to focus.

Blue diamond continued "I must know, how should I proceed?" 

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