Chapter 5

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Every Gem there at the court had been eager to give her opinion. They were proud to show off their knowledge and proud to be of use to their diamond. But when Blue spoke they new they would not be able to change her mind. She had resolved to pick one sapphire to accompany herself on a visit to Pink Diamonds new colony: a place called "Earth."

"I have made my decision" blue diamond proclaimed. "You there star sapphire 2XR. You are to come to earth with me."

What happened next was absolute chaos. Star cheered and pretended she had known all along. Every sapphire in that room gasped. Their faces for the first time in their infinite lives hinted at emotion. You may think that's all? No screaming or arguing? But if you thought this allow me to clarify. Never before, in the history of gems was there seen such a reaction in Blue diamonds court.

Sapphire, needless to say, was sent into a state of panic. Never once! Not once have I been wrong. What's wrong with me? It should have been me. I was so sure. It just doesn't make sense. What Sapphire couldn't know was the unseen force that acted against logic. The force which Blue diamond was overtaken by when she thought of how much Star reminded her of pink diamond. The one force that would never be predicted by any sapphire. Not now, and Not ever.

Every step away from the magnificent room filled Sapphire with more questions. More confusion, and curiosity. Finally, with her hand on the silver door of her palace, Sapphire relaxed. After all, it was only a minor detail. I would never make a mistake predicting something important. It won't happen again, I'm sure. She couldn't know how very wrong she was.

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