Chapter 2

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The city was loud and busy, but just outside the capital there was nothing. The change was sudden, and had you walked along this road you might have thought you'd fallen off a cliff into some entirely different world. No one ever thought this however, because the road had not been traveled since long before the first gems sprouted from the ground. Walk a few miles along this path, and you may have been able to spot a long building, more like a wall then anything else. This was the Barracks, and this is where the second half of our story begins.

The small red gem sat in the corner of her room. Her room was not much different from a prison cell. There was no furniture save for an old wooden table and 2 chairs. She actually shared this room with 2 other Rubies, but she still liked to think of it as her room. The other two were sitting at the table arm- wrestling. Ruby had warned them this was a bad idea, as one of them had a gem on the back of her hand, but they didn't listen. They never payed any attention to her, and when they did it was usually because they were looking for a reason to fight.

Ruby had been angered by this at first. She fought for attention (setting many things on fire in the process). The other Rubies told her it was her own fault. And she believed this. That was the thing about Ruby. She always found a way to blame everything on herself no matter how unfair it was to do so. She was a great deal smarter then the average Ruby, but this only made things harder for her. Even in the same building as thousands of gems just like her; there was no one she could really talk to. So instead, she spent her time thinking of everything she hated about herself. She cursed the gem in her left palm. If only I had been something else, anything, even a pearl would have been better than this.

 Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a scream of rage. The Ruby with the gem on the back of her hand had lost, denting her gem in the process. "Well What did I tell you?!" Ruby yelled. Her anger had been building up too long. "You never listen to me!"

"Ha, As if a dent like this could stop me You're just jealous." 

"How does that even MAKE SENSE!" Ruby stormed out of the room. She didn't know where she was going. She just had to leave.       

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