Both groups of the nice people seemed to crowd Ruby, concerned for how she was. She dismissed them every time, saying she was fine - just a little shook. Probably a lie.

Then Yang approached me. "Hey big guy, sorry for yelling at you last night. You probably saved a few unfortunate people who would've wondered over there. Thanks for keeping her relatively safe." I nodded in response, I didn't really care what she had to say. People don't need to like me, I don't like most people anyway.

"So, I heard you can talk." She elbowed me. "Come on, let's hear it" I shook my head in response and motioned for her to go away. "Aw, alright big guy."

We arrived at the location of our goal and Goodwitch, who was supervising the trip told us we were to collect jars of tree sap, she warned us saying that Grimm occupied these areas and she was here to make sure no one died.

"Meet back here at 4 o'clock. Good luck." With that, she dismissed us. I went with Ruby (even if I didn't have a choice) and Pyrrha's team joined us, well, apart from Juane.

We were in a forest of red, not autumn red or orange or brown but actual bright red. The ground was red as were the trees, only us and the tree trunks weren't, it gave off a weird feeling.

All was calm. But something was stirring, I separated as far as I was able amongst the trees.

Time for some fun.


Ruby's PoV

Wow, we're finally done. The rest of the group and I decided to rest. Doomy was out of sight but we knew he was near, well he had to be.

It had been way too quiet, for a Grimm infested area we found no Grimm, not even a Beowulf. Maybe Goodwitch just over exaggerated? At least this was easy. But, as if on queue:

An almighty ruckus from the nearby cliff face, we didn't even need to discuss it, we all rushed towards the nearby cliff and up the hill near it. I could almost swear that I heard something wooden break or snap being me as we ran but I didn't have time look behind.

We reached a clearing and stopped at the end of the wood line. Juane was in the opening fighting an Ursa Major by himself! I ran in to help him out but was stopped by Pyrrha. She seemed to think he could handle it, I obliged and watched on.

He really was holding his own against it, even making small strives against it. It was then I heard a raucous of gunfire and explosions - which meant only one thing. Doomy!

I looked around but couldn't see him, everyone else heard it too but they were focused on Juane. It was then I realised where the sound came from, the bottom of the cliff, I ran over to the cliff, remaining in the wood line and looked down. Just as expected I saw Doomy, he was surrounded by an absurd amount of Grimm corpses turning into mist, but he was also surrounded by living Grimm.

I had to help.

Doomy's PoV

How in the actual fuck do they keep coming? Sure they ain't as dangerous as demons but fuck! This is absurd.

'VEGA, how many now?' I asked my computer assistant.

"72 in the last 20 minutes, if I count right. You are currently surrounded by another 13." He answered for me. Great.

Misplaced in Remnant حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن