cheater pt 2

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"I'm so so sorry Y/n"
"No Jaeden it's my fault for loving someone who didnt love me" You smiled bitterly

Finns pov**
I wanted to go find Y/n I really did but jess wouldnt let me go she told me Y/n wasnt worth it and I shouldnt go to her. To be honest that made me  want to find her even more.When jess left after a while I had no idea where Y/n could be.I asked her mom if she was at her house but she wasnt.I figured she would be at Wyatt or Jaedens house.Since they are her best freinds.When she wasnt at wyatt's house I broke down in an alley way remembering my favorite memories of her

{when you first met}
Hello I'm finn wolfhard and I'm sick agian

I could hear a girl from the next room her voice sounded so quiet and delightful

Hi I'm Y/n Y/l/n and and this is my glamour magazine interview

Take a break kids go get water

F: Hey y/n I want to say that I thought your acting is really good in {your favorite movie}
Y: Thank you urm what's your name?
F: Finn
Y: Hi finn it's nice to meet you
F: This is sudden but can I have your number o-
Y: Yes of course

{End of Flashback}
It was a meaningful memory if it wasnt for that interview I wouldnt gave met her

I got up after crying I saw I was near jaedens house so I looked in the window

Y/n was crying I've never seen her cry except when she was acting.I did this to her

I looked down at my feet i heard the door open which caused me to look up slowly

J: Finn please fix this shes hurt,I'll wait out here you have 15 minutes

I walked inside hearing her delicate voice agian

Y: Jaeden....

End of POV

Y/n walked to where the noise was coming from seeing the curly haired boy she fell in love with who broke her heart

Y: Finn
F: Hear me out please Y/n
Y: Fine
F: I did kiss her yes it did happen a few times yes but did I ever stop loving you NO I didnt and I never will stop loving you I know I've only thought about myself these past weeks and I'm sorry.I love you so much you dont even know Y/n and seeing what I did to you hurts me even more.
Y: F-Finn I love you too but I dont want it to happen agian
F: It wont please y/n I love you

Once again the two teens were tangled together in a kiss

J: Gosh get a room

I worked pretty hard on it so I hope you like this if you dont thats fine too😩

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