black cherry pt1

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I am the sweetest boy in town , so why is she so mean to me ?

mike wheeler whispered to himself as he began tying his converse, he knew that y/n would be at this small party he was invited to. a mutual friend of y/n and mike , max had invited him, mike believed it was a pity invite because she was aware of his schoolgirl like crush.

he fantasizes about her almost nightly as weirdly obsessive as that sounds , he imagines staring into her eyes for even just a second. this one time in biology she had turned around to tell Lucas and the boy to shut up but instead when she turned around mike almost examining the young woman's face as she looked well not disgusted but concerned for why he was staring. Lucas laughed his ass off that day about how his friend went speechless so quick pestering him about how he's having his first real love.

mike thought long and hard the whole bike ride to Jessica millers suburban neighborhood, maybe she's been through a lot you know ? maybe that's why she only has a close circle and doesn't branch out ? maybe that's why she doesn't speak so much ? his thoughts were quickly interrupted as the douche of the schools light blue Cadillac screeched right infront of his bike. "what the fuck ! watch where you're going wheeler ! god what is he even doing here." the teen spoke getting out of his car as his minions followed muttering "you shouldn't be here , nerd."

" hey , mike ! " the redhead ran over to him practically dragging y/n along with her.
"y/n you know mike right , mike wheeler if don't haha." the redhead chuckled as mike lowered his gaze to y/n
"yeah I do actually " y/n spoke
"you do ?" mike almost whispered
"yeah of course...uh we have biology together remember that time I-" y/n was quickly cut off Lucas grabbing mike
"not to interrupt but I have to introduce him to somebody !" the black haired boy tried to resist his friend cause this was his chance , but to no avail he was in a bedroom discussing Lucas's plan to get max back.

mike looked at the boy flabbergasted.

"you seriously brought me in here to.. that's not even fair ! that was my chance Lucas.."

boom boom clap
boom boom clap


mike raced out of the room attempting to go find y/n turning various corners secretly cursing Jessica miller for her house being so big . not watching where he was going as he crashed into someone , thankfully catching them before they fell.

"jeez wheeler, what's the hurry ?" y/n muttered
mike looked into y/n eyes he swore she could hear his heart beating as his face flushed .
"I was um...just looking for someone" mike spoke in almost a whisper
"who ? I can help you look' " y/n smiled as mikes heart skipped a beat letting go of the girl immediately as he realized he was holding onto her still
"you.." mike looked at the girl
"me? really" mike must have chickened out when he saw the girls smile because the next thing he said was...
"no um..I mean are you okay.
"oh..yeah I am, I hope you find who you're looking for mike." y/n turned around and walked out of the hallway fastly

he wanted to scream , that look she gave him...what if she actually wanted him to be looking for her . god you are so stupid mike.

"you are so stupid mike!" max staring at the boy
"god what are you staring at ! you had your chance and now- oh..she's sitting with jake." max continued "well listen they could be friends I just think that you can go over and you can-"
"will you just shut up max ! it's not happening okay!" mike stormed out with weird glances from everyone, but a worried one from y/n and max.

the next week y/n turned around in biology again this time she looked directly into the boys eyes , but he wasn't looking at her like he used to , he looked embarrassed. especially when she spoke, he didn't say a word back. so she turned around but they were determined to talk to him.

the tall boy stood at his locker , y/n walked up to him because honestly it was about time.

"hey mike..I just wanted to check on you ya know? the party you stormed out and.." y/n rambled
"okay? remind me how that's your business y/n."mike still wouldn't look at the girl as he spoke
"I'm worried, I'm allowed to ask my friend-"
"so now you wanna speak to me?" he slammed his locker
"what is your damage wheeler , I can't even be nice to you without you having a problem now ?!" y/n waited for a response "whatever..have a nice day." she walked off .

but he didn't expect to care as much as he did, he felt bad. he was mean for no reason.

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