unspeakable love.

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if you loved me, why'd you leave me Finn?

you knew it wasn't his fault, he loved you until the end.

you two met when you were teenagers, it wasn't magical or anything. You've lived in a small town your whole life, not doing much. You will admit, life without Finn was pretty boring. Y/n never exactly grew up with much support.

You'd always look at relationship tiktoks or Pinterest boards, but you never specifically needed someone like that in your life.

Until Finn, that day was still somewhat a blur.

that fucking party, Angela has talked about it all week. A college party ya know? it doesn't seem fun at all, I just don't want something bad to happen.

Hey. 'that kid with long curly hair said'
Uh, hey? 'Y/n was a little confused, who was this?'
Are you okay, you keep biting your nails. 'The guy said in a whisper tone, so nobody would notice.'
I'm fine I- I'm fine. 'They whispered'
let me know if you need anything. 'He'd walk away still making eye contact with them'

Y/n would make their way up to a room, quickly knocking so they could use the bathroom.

when nobody answered y/n walked in, heading straight for the bathroom and using it.

as they finished washing their hands, they walked out.

Shit I'm sorry! I- 'y/n would stop as they realized the beer was spilt all over themselves, and not the guy.'

Whoops, nah I'm sorry. 'Finn would look at y/n and reach next to them grabbing a shirt.'

Hey put this on, since I just ruined your shirt.

That was their first interaction, but definitely not their last. That whole night they sat in silence while he softly played the guitar making eye contact with y/n.

as the days went on, Finn and y/n started seeing each other more. Hanging out more and more. they seemed to be close friends. As months went by..Finn asked y/n a question.

first it was 'will you be my girlfriend?' Then ''will you meet my parents?' Then finally 'will you marry me.'

Y/n sat in a room staring at herself in a mirror, she was really getting married to the love of her life Finn. walking down the aisle, Finn started crying. tears of joy of course, they had an unspeakable love.


Sitting in the doctors office, they looked at her.

'It's a girl.'

Y/n almost couldn't breathe, she was genuinely so happy. She was having a little girl. That would have a loving father and mother.



that's all for today loves.
part 2 out soon! <33

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