cheater one shot

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"I've never felt this way it only happens when your with me Y/n be my girlfriend"

That was 8 months ago when you and Finn first started dating you were so happy but now this is a living hell

You called finn when he picked up you heard hard breathing

You didnt want to remind him you were outside instead you hear a girl

"Hurry up" she whispers

You ended the call hurrying up to his room you could hear raged breathing (Ya filthy minds) I opened the door seeing him kissing a girl leaving slight hickeys down her neck

"Finn" Your voice became audible
"Shit y/n I-I this isnt"
"Yes it is finn and it is fine have fun" You say walking out flipping him off

You ran to jaedens house that was the only place you could think of going

You knocked a couple times and the door opened revealing a sleepy Jaeden

"You were right he fucking did it he cheated" You break down in tears

Part 2?

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