Trouble at Beacon

Start from the beginning

Ruby's PoV

I looked on to see Slayer's hand reach to a small button. He hesitated before pressing it and lowering his hand down, Ozpin and I looked on in suspense - was he about to talk?

"I can talk, old man." He spoke. His voice was scratchy, it sounded... damaged and.. unkept..? It seemed to carry a tone of sadness, but anger as well. I knew he apparently walked through Hell but I don't know why, or just how long he has had without real contact with humans.

"Old man, huh?" Ozpin responded "Now we can know you can talk, let's get down to business." The slayer nodded in approval.


Ozpin and I explained where he was, Remnant, the land on which we dwell. Vale, the city on which we walk and Beacon, the school in which we learn. In turn he explained vaguely where he came from, Mars - in what he assumes is in a completely different dimension to us. Apparently he can only stay within 30 metres of me and needs to return to Mars, though he is unsure how.

We went over our world sparing most details, we quickly covered Aura, something which we noted him lacking very fast, as well as semblances, our powers. In response to learning those he simply said 3 words.

"That's fucking stupid."

I spoke up. "Hey, you shouldn't swear!" To which I immediately regretted. He turned and stared at me though his visor, I could feel daggers boring into my skin. Ozpin seemed to find it funny though as he laughed.

"Perhaps now you are here you may have your own. We shall see in time."

He explained Grimm, creatures of hate and despair that plague our world and seek to destroy us, he seemed the most interested about this part.

"Where?" He asked, his voice kept the same tone it had since he first talked.

"Well tomorrow a few teams will be going on an excursion, Grimm are typically found throughout the area there and I'd imagine you will be joining them, seeing as though you are bound to Ruby. The Slayer looked at me vaguely and I nervously waved back, he didn't seem ecstatic about the situation he was in.

Then he stood up and turned around, motioning for me to follow as he left for the elevator.

"Wait, Mr. Slayer." Ozpin called to him. He paused and looked back.

"I want to offer you to join our school, even temporarily. Seeing as though you are bound to Ruby and don't know anything of the world I think it would be for the best." He suggested.

The Slayer said only 4 words before walking in the second elevator and waiting for me.

"I only work alone."


The Slayer's PoV.

Night had fell, and I was waiting outside their dorm, standing up as I was lost in thought. Thoughts of the past, thoughts of the present, and thoughts of the potential future. I couldn't help but notice Juane was especially late for bed tonight.

Then, the door quietly opened and the meek Ruby Rose stepped out in her pyjamas. "Hey Doomy.. Can I call you that?"

I looked at her, I didn't respond and I looked back to the wall I was previously staring at.

"Alright..." she paused, unsure of what to say.

"Are you going to sleep, we have extra blankets you can use, though you will have to sleep on the floor most likely, I'm pretty sure no body wants to share a bed."

I looked at her, sighing inside my helmet, again: Too kind.

She slumped down against the wall, sitting next to me.

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