Christmas Eve.

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On a lovely night. Its Christmas Eve. Almost Christmas with the Sakamaki's for the first in forever. Since last year, last Christmas was the worse. I wish I could never have saw what was happening last year.

Last year on Christmas Eve:

Laito was drunk giving everyone kisses. Subaru was yelling at everything that doesn't even talk. Ayato was trying on Halloween costumes and dancing with everyone. Reiji was horny. Shu eh he was okay but just sleeping like always. Kanato eh hes okay he stays with teddy.

Laito: Come give me a kiss~ *putting a mistletoe on top everyone to kiss them*

Ayato: Oi! You perv don't come giving me a kiss. You can kiss Shu

Shu: hentai.....stay the fuck away from me

Reiji: We don't use the words unless y/n has something to say about that~ *smirks*

You: This is terrible I don't like this at all

Kanato: How do you feel about this teddy....?

-Christmas Day of last year-

Laito: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THERE'S A BUG!!!!!!

Ayato: Kill it

Kanato: Laito-kun you are being too loud and teddy doesn't like that

Ayato: Fuck that stuff bear. Your brother is scared of a fucking bug

Laito: Someone HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

-Back to this year-

You: I really don't want this to happened again. I feel like it's gonna be terrible like last year....that's not what I want at all :/

-To be Continued- 

((I am so sorry for posting this hella late but I hope you forgive me hahaha)) 

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