Flipper Flipper Faster Than Lightning

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I hear a young voice and turn to see a small boy of about nine or ten standing in the doorframe, soaking wet, covered in sand, and holding a large crab triumphantly.

"Kenny?" Coal steps forward. "You're so tall..."

The kid named Kenny grins. "I'm five foot two." He announces proudly.

"Still a little squirt though." Coal replies in a way that shows this was a routine for them. He walks over and ruffles the kids spiky black hair.

"Hey!" Kenny shouts across the beach, where other small forms are kneeling, hunting for sea life in the tide pools. "Jacob! Sarah! Coal is back!"

Immediately, heads pop up. Then a stampede of little feet are running up the steps and tracking sand into the house.


"Coal is back?"

"Look, he is!"

"Coal is back!"

I watch hands tug at the hem of Coal's shirt, asking for attention. Instantly, the cautious Coal is gone, instead replaced with a smiling big brother who knows each kid by name.

"Jacob! Your hair is blonde!" he says to one boy. "Jack, I told you your tooth would come out." He gasps loudly and lifts up a small, red haired girl. "Sarah!"

Sarah beams, hugging Coal tightly. Then she notices me. Pointing, she asks, "Who's that, Coal?"

Coal turns, seeming to just remember my presence. "Oh that's Tide." He places Sarah down awkwardly. "Tide, meet my...siblings I guess."

I wave shyly, intimidated by the overwhelming response they gave Coal. A chorus of loud "hi's" come from the kids.

"We were swimming." Kenny says.

"And you're finished." Makuahine comes up to us. "No swimming at night, remember? Wash up for dinner now."

The kids make slight protests but file after Makuahine to their rooms.

I walk forward to Coal. "Someone's popular."

He shrugs deferentially. "Yeah...I don't know."

"They really love you." I insist. "How long have you been gone?"

He looks pained. "Well two years ago the government took me." He checks behind his back. "They think I got adopted." I nod. "I escaped, eventually, and then wandered a bit. I had never been off of Hawaii before so I got lost and then you found me."

"They obviously missed you." I say and he looks down. I duck my head to meet his eyes. "That's a good thing."

He smiles a tiny bit.


"So this is your room?"

I observe the worn rug on the floor, the faded wood walls, and the amazing view out the window. It's on the very end of the hallway, the door with suspicious looking burn marks around the knob.

Coal traces his finger along the dust that's collected on the shelves. "I shared it with another kid but he moved." He motions to the two empty bunk beds along the left wall.

I walk over and climb up the ladder, flopping on the top bunk. At Coal's look, I shrug. "I never got the top bunk before." I bounce a couple of times, sending dust everywhere.

Coal blinks, and then has about twelve rapid fire sneezes.

I stare at him. He shakes his head and looks up. "What?"

The ElementalsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt