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Yoongi's POV


I jolt awake at the sound of those words with only one question in mind. What the fuck is happening? I peel open my eyes and look at the fluorescent lighting in this seemingly empty room. As my eyes scan the room I see a girl clutching her head but staring directly at me with these big doe eyes. Intrigued I try to get up to investigate and study this strange girl. Emphasis on the try.

As I find myself unable to move I call out to the lanky girl wearing an extremely short skirt. "Hey!! Girl!!  Can you help me I'm not supposed to be here" I then quietly mumble to myself "and my boss is gonna kick my ass if I miss this deadline." She shakes her head and says quietly "I can't do that. You belong to me now." It is then that I realize three things. One, that this is a whole ass dude. Two, that he said that I 'belong to him'. Last but not least this dude is wearing a skirt. Now I'm not homophobic, hell I myself am not a straight man, but a skirt? This is all too much for me and I need a nap.

Sadly before I can take said nap the boy speaks again. "You love me. Do you remember saying that?" Still tired I shake my head. Suddenly getting mad he storms over to me (his skirt coming up letting me see lace panties) and roughly grips my face. "You said you loved me on August 12th 2014!!" I look at him confused. "I don't remember that" I mutter. "I said I love you and then you said that you love me too!!" He screeched out. I then suddenly remember him, and at that moment I knew I was completely and utterly fucked.

Next next chapter will be a flashback to August 12th 2014 but first I have decided that next chapter will be the character profiles. If you have a specific era of one of the members that you like comment or pm me. I've already decided what eras Yoongi and Jeongguk will be but not the others. Maybe Namjoon will be Not Today era, maybe not, we'll see.

See you in the next chapter dolls


Crazy Boys Wear Skirts ❤Yoonkook❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora