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"Where did this kid come from?" A female voice could be heard.

Peter Parker felt soft sheets hit his burned out body. He felt a hand run through his hair. They were gentle hands. "We just found him asleep against the building" he heard a male voice say.

His eyes were still shut and his body was now warm and toasty. "Shhh..." he heard another female shushing someone, probably the two people that were talking. "Let's call Tony" he heard another voice that was male like speak.

"No! How could he help us?! He still looking for that kid!" The first male voice that ever spoke asked.

Tony? Tony Stark?! Peter didn't think about what he did at all. He rose up with eyes opened and looking at the people that were talking. "Ahh..." a blonde man screamed. "I mean...kid...you scared me..."

"Mr.Stark? Where is he?" Peter asked looking around. Girls with red hair, a guy with blonde hair, and two guys with black hair looked at each other. "Stark? Are you talking about Tony Stark? He's not here at the moment..." one of the black hair dudes said.

"Oh, where is he?" Peter asked tilting his head in curiosity. The adults in the room looked at each other again. "Who's asking?" A long-haired blonde male asked. Peter knew this man anywhere. He wasn't one of those people that wear bright colored underpants and PJs when going to help save the world. He had a hammer that shoots lightning. "Oh my gosh- your Thor! Oh my- I must be in the Avenger Towers! I made it!" Peter said excitedly. "Oh, my g- oh where're my manners, I'm Peter Parker! I was the one that Mr.Stark babysitted!"

"You the missing kid!?" A blonde headed man, that wasn't Thor, Asked.

"Missing? Who said I was missing?" Pete asked confused.

The adults looked at each other AGAIN. Truly, they were more shocked that this kid that can't be older than six  could talk so normally! They were also shocked that they found the boy that was missing and didn't know it.

"Hey...how about you stay here and I'll call Mr.Stark, okay?" Asked the black haired man. Peter gave a bigger smile as he nodded rapidly. "Great, I'll be right back, you guys watch the kid!"


It was officially night time and no sight of the Parker boy. "No, No, NO" Tony yelled. He had borrowed HIS OWN suit to fly around the NYC to see squat of a kid with spider powers.

"Mr.Stark, Bruce Banner is calling you," F.R.I.D.A.Y said. Friday was a name of a week, yeah, but this type of 'Friday' is a super tech computer that helps and assists Tony and the Avengers. Tony had her installed in his suit for things sorta like this.

"Okay, accept the call," Tony said as he landed softly on top of a building. "Hey, Bruce."

"Hey, Tony, any sign of that kid?" Bruce asked. Tony could hear snickers coming from the other line but choose to ignore them. "NO!" Tony yelled. "I mean...I'm sorry, but I'm just...im just scared and stressed out of my mind!"

"Whoa, Tony calm down. Your gonna give yourself a panic attack" Bruce warned. "Besides, I think I know where your kid's at."

"Really? Where? Also, he's not my kid!" Tony said.

"Well...you, Pepper and the kid's aunt needs to come over here. Someone wants to see you guys" Bruce said.

"Who is it?" Tony asked.

"You're just gonna have to figure out," Bruce said. "Oh, I have to go, bye."

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