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Peter colored his almost finished drawing when Sam got a call. He looked the caller ID to see it was Pepper Potts. He accepted the call and walked out the room for privacy.

"What's the matter, Pepper?" Sam asked. Pepper would never call Sam in less of an emergency, or if Tiny did something stupid,  which was almost all the time. "Sam, Tony had a panic attack," Pepper said. "And we don't have his inhaler!"

For anxiety and panic attack purposes, Tony was to have an inhaler with him at all times, but being the stubborn man he was, Tony felt the need not to keep it with him. I mean, he wasn't having any panic attacks for a while, so why keep it with him!?

"Oh great," Sam said sorta aggravated. "Why you calling me for this? Can't you ask F.R.I.D.A.Y?"

Sam had a point. Why ask a human over a cell phone, when you have a talking computer with you? "Cause...of reasons, Sam," Pepper said. She sounded mad, and Sam knew not to mess with a mad or stress Pepper Potts. "Okay, look...wait...he HAD a panic attack? Why did you call me if he HAD a panic attack?" Sam asked.

"Cause he...passed out..." Pepper said.

"Wait, he passed out? Whoa...okay...wake him up...then when he wakes up to put something warm on his head...or something."

"Very specific, Sam," Pepper said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm sorry! You called me! I didn't say I knew anything about...PANIC ATTACKS. I don't know how to help someone who passed out from a panic attack at least...if he was conscious, I'd know just what to do, but this is someone passed out because of a panic attack. I don't know if the same things for conscious people would work on someone that passed out. You close to the Avengers Tower?" He asked.


"Okay...try to wake him up...check his breathing...if his breathing is still shaken, then try to calm him. When you guys are at the Towers, contact me or someone else and let me know and I can deal with it later, okay?" Sam asked.


The two's conversation ended, and Sam put his phone back in his pockets.

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