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Tony didn't know how he got here. First, he was in the hotel, then he allowed a five-year-old kid to persuade him to go to a fair. How could a five year old out-smart him?!

Peter bounced up and down as Tony looked at the map they were giving. "Do you really want to ride these rides?" Tony asked tilting his head at the map. Peter nodded as he kept bouncing. He was a human pogo stick.

"Okay, What do you want to do first?" Tony sighed. Peter stopped bouncing as he looked around. "There," he pointed to a rollercoaster. "Okay..." Tony dropped his mouth at the rollercoaster the kid wanted to ride. It was an inverted roller coaster. This coaster was called 'the Banshee'.

"Are you sure? I mean...it's looks kind of scary from a kid's point of view" Tony said.

"You aren't scared aren't you?" Peter asked with a wide smile.

"What?! No...I'm excited to ride the...the banshee," Tony said. Peter immediately took Tony's hand in his. "GREAT. LETS GO."


Tony and Peter were presently buckled in. The rollercoaster's actual coaster had 4 seats together so two strangers sat next to the two. Finally, a man came from the enter-com. "All clear."

Soon after, the ride started to move after the tiny gate lowered. Peter couldn't wait for the speed and the loops. Tony was holding on for dear life. He didn't know how tight the safety chain is. He didn't have his iron suit to help him if he falls out. What if Peter falls out? Tony immediately started to pray in his mind for fear life as the coaster reached the top of the hill. Very quickly, the coaster started going side to side. Very soon, they started to loopy loops, and boy did Tony like that.

Finally, the ride was done. "THAT WAS SO FUN, RIGHT MR.STARK?!" Peter yelled.

"Y-Yeah..." Tony stuttered.


"Let ride that!" Peter said pointing to a bluish colored ride. Of course, it was another inverted roller coaster. Tony sighed as he knew he'd get outsmarted again if he didn't get on the roller coaster.



Tony waited for the death trap to begin as Peter was the exact opposite. He was so excited. Soon, the coaster started out by going up. Tony looked over at Peter to see he was bouncing up and down waiting for the 'fun' to begin.

Tony's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a click and people screaming in either joy or fear. "YEAHHHH" he heard Peter yell. Tony thought was screaming, but for a different reason. "Oh dear god, help me" he whispered.

The coaster went down, then up, then looped a loop, the went upside down, then it went back up to the starting point. Suddenly the click went off again and slowly stopped the coaster where there were others waiting.

As the riders were unbuckling Peter spoke.

"THAT WAS SO FUN" Peter yelled.

"Yeah...fun" Tony said.


"I'm hungry..." Peter said as his stomach growled.

Tony sighed in relief. Peter wasn't going to beg him to go on any rollercoasters now. Yeah. Tony looked at his map. "You wanna go to...this pizza place" Tony suggested pointing to a place on the map.

"YEAH" Peter yelled in excitement.


"That was fun" Peter exclaimed as he took a bite of cotton candy.

"Yeah...That actually was fun..." Tony said.

The two were walking down the hallway to the hotel. "I wish a month wouldn't past so soon," Peter said thinking about when May comes back. "I mean I miss May...but...I really would miss you too..."

"I'd miss you too," Tony said not knowing what he said.

Tony opened the door for Peter, and the two walked in.

Tony placed his bag on the couch and looked up. He saw a young adult female looking at him with her arms crossed. "May?" Tony said questionably.

Oh, shoot...


THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 VOTES! I know 100 isn't that big of a number to some ppl...but it means a lot and is very surprising!thanks for the support it means a lot that ppl actually take to read just a little bit of a chapter means a lot! I know, I probably sounds sad but it's the truth! Thank you!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed!

Also, I know the banshee and the invertago is only at Kings Island, but I decided to make my own ;)

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