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Mrs.Donley was doing paperwork as the kids at the daycare played. She was humming to the music playing in her head when she caught a glimpse of an adult. She looked up to see that old beast playing with his mutant kid and two other kids. "This is unexceptional" she mumbled under her breath. She got up from her desk and walked over to the adult with a stern face on. She was ready to fight.

Tony and the three little kids laughed. Tony isn't felt this way since ever, which actually wasn't an exaggeration. He and the kids were happy until he saw a shadow. Tony looked up to see an ugly face looking madly at him. "Tony Stark, May I talk to you. Now!" The ugly face said.

Tony got up from the floor and looked the ugly face straight in the eyes. "So, What do you want?" Tony Asked. "If its to get you a new face transplant then I am all up for that". The ugly face got uglier.

"This isn't the times for jokes, Mr.Stark. Look, you can't be here with the kids. It's a distraction" Mrs.Donlly explained.

"DISTRACTION!? Distraction for what? Playing? You don't want them getting distracted from playing!?" Tony asked. "That is a stupid reason for me to go". Mrs.Donlly sighed in annoyance from Tony's defiance. "Besides, I had gotten permission to be here" Tony added. "So I'm allowed to be here".

"Not in less I agree," she said.

"Well, your boss, in fact, told me I could stay..." Tony said with a smirk plastered on his face.

Mrs.Donlley growled at the man before her, before turning around. Stark one, mean ugly teacher Zero.


After daycare, Peter and Tony went out to eat. Tony was first skeptical about going outside since he was 'famous', but decided to just 'hide'. He looked out the window as Peter was playing on Tony's phone. Tony had nothing to hide from the kid. Secretly, he had games on his phone. He allowed the kid to play with his phone.

Peter smiled and yelled slightly when he won.

Peter noticed the distress on Tony's face  and put the phone down. "What did Mrs.Donlley say?" He asked. Tony looked away from the window to see the boy's full attention was on him. "Nothing," Tony said.

"D-Did she talk about m-me?" Peter asked.

"No," Tony said.

"Whatever she says, don't believe her" Peter practically begged.

"Why? What would she say?" Tony asked.

"S-She calls m-mean m-mutant..." Peter slightly whispered scared of Tony's reaction.

"I-I'm Sorry. I didn't hear that. What was it?" Tony asked, sipping his coffee.

"S-She Call's me a mutant, but Mr.Stark I'm not a mutant. I-I didn't ask to have freakish powers. I was born this way. A mutant Freak" Peter said.

Tony's eyes widened. Mutant freak. That killed Tony, but why? "Now, Peter, I know your not a mutant. YOU ARE NOT A FREAK! You are amazing...and...and you are nice and kind...have a great imagination! Lots of the Avengers have built-in powers, but they aren't freaks" Tony explained.

"No," Peter said.

"You know what? How about we skip daycare tomorrow? Have a babysitter and kid bonding day, eh?" Tony asked.

"YES" Peter yelled in excitement.

Tony smiled. That teacher is gonna get what she deserves one way or another!

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