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“We did it baby,” Beau says as he runs to me. I laugh as he lifts me off the ground and spins me in a circle. He then crashes his lips into mine. I know that Ben and Jamie are watching but I’m happy without them in my life now.

Theresa and Sadie run to us. Theresa has tears gathered in her eyes as she hugs her son. “Let me get a picture,” she says. Beau wraps his arm around my waist and just as his mom takes the picture, he presses his lips to mine. “That is a good one,” she says.

I look at the picture on the screen. There we are in our graduation gowns kissing each other. Both of our diplomas hang at our sides. “That is a good one,” I say smiling.

I don’t think I’ve smiled so much as I have since agreeing to be Beau’s girlfriend. My opal heart necklace still dangles around my neck as a reminder of that wonderful day.

“Let’s head back to your house for the party,” Theresa says.

“Actually I’m going to see my dad,” I say. I know what he did to me and Mom was wrong, but he is still my dad. He has sobered up and I’ve seen him two other times.

“Okay sweetie,” Theresa says. “We will head on over there to start setting up.”

I follow Beau to his truck and notice a woman standing nearby. I stop short when I realize who she is. Beau stops too and looks at where I am staring. “Is that,” he starts. I just nod my head. The woman sees me and opens her arms to me. I release Beau’s hand and run into her arms.

“I’m so sorry Emma. I should have never left. I realized my mistake when I made it to Virginia,” she says.

“Mom it’s okay. Dad is in jail now. Beside if you hadn’t left I wouldn’t have been abused and I would have never found the love of my life,” I tell her. I motion for Beau. He walks over and introduces himself.

“I’m so happy for you baby,” she says. We talk a little longer and I invite her to the graduation party. “I’ll try to head over there later but I want to see a few people.” I nod and then climb into the cab of Beau’s truck.

I take my cap and gown off then fold them neatly in the passenger’s seat. Beau hands me his to fold as well. We drive to the jail and visit with Dad for an hour.

“I’m sorry,” he says for the umpteenth time. I just peck his cheek and take Beau’s hand.

We go to our house and many people have shown up. Beau’s grandma and grandpa have come and so have my aunt and uncle. Beau and I are introduced to many people by each other.

We eat and have a giant Barrett and Dallas reunion. My family seems to get along with Beau’s family really well. After we eat, Beau calls everyone into the kitchen so we can cut the cake.

Theresa is the one that made the cake and it is beautiful. This is my first time seeing it. Then I notice something in the center of it. I pick it up to find out it is a diamond ring.

When I turn around to find out who’s it is, Beau is kneeling on one knee in front of me. I cover my mouth with my hands almost dropping the ring in the process. Others around us are watching with excitement. Beau motions for me to give him my hands.

I lay my hands in his. “Emma Barrett, I know we have only been dating for seven months, but I feel like I have known you all my life. You have brought the good out in me. You brought my family back together by just being here. I love you and I don’t think I will ever be able to stop. Emma Barrett will you take this cake covered ring and become my wife,” he asks.

I’m crying at this point. “A hundred times yes,” I say laughing and crying at the same time. He slips the ring on my left ring finger and hugs me tightly. “I love you so much,” I say into his neck still crying.

“I love you too,” he says pecking my cheek. Theresa starts cutting the cake and passing out slices to everyone. I am ready to grab a slice when I see my mom standing at the back of the crowd.

I move out of line and walk towards her. “Hey,” I say when I see her. She smiles and motions for me to step outside with her. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough,” she says taking my left hand. “Congratulations baby.” I smile and hug her tightly.

“I’m glad you came,” I say to her.

Beau walks out with three slices of cake and a napkin. He hands the napkin to me so I can clean the ring off. He hands a slice to my mom and holds the other one for me. Slipping the ring off my finger, I clean the cake off. “I’ll wash it with water after everyone leaves,” I tell him.

Today I have graduated high school and became engaged to the love of my life. In addition, I got my mom back. How can this not be the start to an amazing summer?

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