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I arrive home at usual time. Dad hasn’t arrived yet so I did as I promised and finished the last few loads of laundry. Then I go into the kitchen and lay out steaks. As I wait for the meat to thaw, I start my homework. I was teamed up with an idiot in English. I wasn’t able to do any of the work because she continued trying to flirt with the guy behind us.

Dad got home a few minutes later. “Emma,” he yells. I stand up and feel a bead of sweat form on my forehead. He walks into the kitchen and stares me down. “Why isn’t dinner ready,” he asks sternly. My stomach drops.

“I’m sorry. I was waiting for the steaks to thaw and I guess I lost track of time. I’m starting it now,” I say quickly.

“No excuses,” he says. He then left the room and the football game fills the silence. This honestly shocks me and then I realize he isn’t drunk.

Instead of ponder over what could have happened, I pull three potatoes out and put them in the oven to cook. Then I pull the steaks from the fridge and get the pan hot to cook them. When the food is ready, Dad is practically already breathing down my neck. “Dinner is ready,” I call.

“Finally,” I hear him huff. I sit his plate on the table along with a can of beer. When he sits down and starts eating, I fix my plate and sits down across from him. I bow my head and say my grace. Then I start to eat.

When we finish eating, I clean the kitchen and excuse myself for the rest of the night. I sit on my full sized bed and did the homework I didn’t finish earlier. When I finish I retire early and it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.

I woke to hollering. I jump out of bed and run to the living room. Dad is standing over the basket of clothes. I had completely forgotten to put them away last night. My heartbeat raced in my chest. “You are an idiot! Why didn’t you put these away like you are supposed to,” he yells when he sees me. I make the mistake of taking a step backwards. “Come here girl,” he growls.

He grabs my bicep of my left arm and pulls me towards him. He squeezed the arm hard. “I told you to put things away when you are finished using them.” He slaps my cheek and I wince. The tears collect in my eyes but I refuse to allow them to fall.

“I’m sorry Dad. I don’t know why I forgot. I’ll put them away now,” I say. He pushes me away from him and I lose my balance. I land on the coffee table. The wind is knocked out of me for a second.

“Put them away or you will not be going to school today,” he threatens.

“Yes sir,” I say. I grab the basket and start to fold the clothes. When I grab his clothes, I fold them extra neatly so I don’t get in trouble. When the clothes are folded, I put them away carefully and neatly.

“Go get dressed. You will be late to school,” Dad says to me. I run to my room and grab the first thing my hands touch: a pair of baggy jeans, a white tank top, and a green flannel.


I arrive in Latin just before the first bell. I expect to see Emma in her usual seat. It surprises me she hasn’t yet arrived. Magistra Davis welcomes me. “Good morning Beau,” she says.

“Good morning,” I reply.

“Have you seen Emma this morning?” I shake my head and take my normal seat. Pulling out the worksheet we had for homework last night, I feel stupid for relying on Emma. I figured I could get her help today before class starts.

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