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I look at myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time. A bandage is wrapped around my forearm. Dad got angry with me yesterday. A football game was on but I needed to clean the TV. Dad pushed me out of the way and I fell on the coffee table and broke my glass of tea on my arm. It made me so angry that he made me miss the church picnic.

I dress myself in a black and white skater dress with my favorite white sneakers. My auburn hair is half up half down with curls. I put on a minimum amount of makeup.

My bible lay on the nightstand next to my bed. Dad is still in bed but it is Sunday so he knows I won’t be here when he wakes up. I walk outside and find that it is drizzling. I run back inside to grab a sweatshirt with a hood.

I get to church about the normal time. I see that Beau hasn’t gotten here just yet. Walking inside, Shelby is waiting for me. I give her a hug and she asks where I was yesterday. I went through the story that I had rehearsed at least ten times this morning. It is the same story I told Beau last night. “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she says. I take a seat beside her.

A few minutes later, the door opens and I turn to see who is walking in. Beau stands there in a dress shirt and black jeans. A little girl stands beside him. She has hair just like her brother. Her hair comes just to her waist and she is wearing a pretty, pale yellow dress. I wave to catch Beau’s eye. When he sees me his face lights up, I feel special to think I’m the cause of that.

He sits beside me. “Good morning,” he says to me. “Emma this is my sister Sadie.” His sister sits on the other side of him like she is terrified of me. I smile at her.

“Good morning Sadie. I’m so glad to finally meet you,” I say. Then I hold my hand out to her and she takes it.

“I’m glad to finally meet you too,” she says in a shy voice. “Beau has told me all about you.” I look up at Beau and see his cheeks have reddened. I smile again. “Can I sit beside you,” she asks. I scoot a little closer to Shelby so she could sit between us.

Church starts and I take the little ones in the back during Sunday school. Beau came back with me because he doesn’t want to sit out there by himself. Sadie went to Sunday school with Shelby who is her teacher.

After church service ends, Beau asks me to come to lunch with him and his sister. “I don’t know,” I say. This will be the second week in a row that I cancel with Shelby.

“Sweetie, go with him. I can come over to your house for dinner if I wanted.”  I smile and thank her.

“Fine I’ll go,” I say smiling. Instead of driving to the restaurant, I climb in the truck next to Sadie. It saves my gas and I can always pay for Beau’s gas if he wants me to.

I give him the directions to the best place to eat in town. It’s a nice restaurant with great food but it also isn’t really expensive. I just so happened to have worked here for a little while. My old boss seats us and asks how I am. I told her about the hospital trip yesterday because of my ‘fall’.  

Sadie and I talk about clothes for a little while. Beau doesn’t seem like he minds. We eat lunch and everything is perfect, until Ben walks in. My stomach does a somersault. His dad works with my dad. If he tells his dad that I’m here with a boy then my dad will know on Monday.

“We should get going,” I say. Beau is obviously confused but he doesn’t say anything. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me outside after we pay.

“What is the matter,” he asks when he opens the door for Sadie and me.

“I told you my dad is really strict when it comes to guys. Well Ben’s dad works with my dad. If Ben knows my dad will know eventually.” He drops it and helps me climb into the truck. He takes me back by the church to pick up my truck.

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