Falling For A Criminal - Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

I didn't smile, but I could feel myself relaxing a bit, and that was good. “How do you-?”

“-these questions will be answered later, Adri. For now, I'm going to ask you to come with me.”

“Where to?” My voice was still as calm as it had originally been, and the tears had stopped flowing, but that didn't mean the wave of panic that I was feeling had disappeared. I just knew how to control myself, and thank God for that because if I didn't. . .

“I'm going to take you to a party. It's only,” he looked down at his watched, “three a.m. And I want to show you something.” Sticking out his hand for me to grab, I simply looked at it.

“How do I know you won't kidnap me or rape me or something?”

I watched as he took a step towards me and placed his two fingers under my chin, making me look up at him. A chill shot up my spine, but that was probably from the cold and my lack of a coat. “If I wanted to rape you, Adri,” he began, breaking me from my thoughts again, “I would have done it already. And besides, I have a girlfriend.”

When he pulled away, he stuck out his hand to me again, and this time, I grabbed it. I was cautious, and when he pulled me out of the alley and in the direction of a large black van, I was taken back. Relax, Adri. He has a girlfriend. . . If he wanted to hurt you, he would have done it already. With that in mind, I let him lead me to the car, and I couldn't have been happier when I climbed inside the warm car; escaping the cold winter air. I watched as the boy walked around to the other side of the car, and when he climbed in, he gave me a quick once over before shaking his head and starting the car and driving off. I wanted to know what was going on in his head, and since I was already in danger, I might as well take a shot in the dust, right? “You know, it's gestures like that, that normally start fights.”

A grin found its way to his lips. “Oh please, you couldn't fight me if your life depended on it. You're too small; you barely escaped those guys!”

Thinking back to how he had saved me not even five minutes before, I shrugged and crossed my arms in attempt to keep warm. Sure, the shirt I was wearing had long sleeves, but that's all it had. There was no extra layer to keep me warm, there was no built in heater inside; it was just an ordinary long-sleeved t-shirt, and I was freezing! “You know,” I said as my teeth continued to chatter inside my mouth, “you never told me your name. I really don't want to go around calling you Superman all night, so. . .”

That earned me a laugh, and for the first time all night, I couldn't help but smile. “Why in the world would you call me Superman?”

“Because you saved me. . .”

“Oh really?”

Yeah, really.” I looked up at him again and waited for him to say something—which he never did.

He must have noticed he was getting stared at because he looked at me with an eyebrow raised and a somewhat confused look on his face. “What are you staring at? I know I'm gorgeous, but that's not a reason to stare at someone.” Letting my face fall into an emotionless expression, I watched as he thought for a second and then smiled when it looked like a light bulb had gone off in his head. “Oh! Right, my bad. My name is Chase.”

That's when I began to laugh like a mad woman. “Your name rhymes with my brothers'!”

He shrugged, not finding any humor in my discovery. “Sadly. Your brother is a d*ck.”

Taking another look at him, I saw that all humor in his face was gone and he was as serious as a rock. My mentioning of Trace must have pissed him off, but since I was in a moving car with a potential rapist, I wouldn't say anything about it. If he wanted to talk to me about it, he would.

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