Chapter 1

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The first day of your college life. You woke up early to get ready before your handsome and hot best friend will be at your house in any moment. You hop to the bathroom and do your thing. When your mom called you from the kitchen.

"(Y/n) be ready, Levi will be here in a minute." She said.

' mom did really know about Levi, since when we are 8 yrs. old our parents always talk about us in the future. Like,

'You both will be a perfect couple'
'You will have a beautiful babies'

And some expectations that you know for sure won't come true. Why?!

"(Y/n)!!!" She called again.

'Your interrupting me mom...' you thought.

"What mom?!" You shouted back. When changing into your uniform and looking yourself again to the mirror if it is all done.

"Levi is already here! Yet you still not eating your breakfast, come down here now!!"

'Ugh!! Too early huh.' you complain in thoughts.

(Y/n)'s POV

When I open my door I did not know Levi was waiting for me at the end of our staircase while leaning, I took my steps to him and leaning to his face. Well, he close his eyes.

'Soooo handsome you damn man, nose, shiny jet black hair and his jawline all was perfect, how can no one fell in love with god-like human' I did not know I was grinning and giggling at the thought of him.

"Done? Take a picture it will last long (Y/n)." Slowly he open his eyes.

I step back and look down, fiddling the hem of my uniform.

"You know I like it when you were doing that, stop it I'm turn on." My eyes widen when he says that.

I kick his foot and laughed while walking to the kitchen.

"Eww!! Levi, I'm not like those fangirling to you duh!! you know who I like." I remark before I kissed my mom's cheek, sitted beside Levi.

"Stop bickering you two and eat already. Oh, Levi why you always sitting on (y/n) left side? I was just wondering." She's smiling to Levi.

3rd POV

And Levi in (y/n) left side shift to his chair for the sudden question of (y/n)'s mom and looking to his right side before answering.

"Because as a gentleman, I won't sit on a right side of a woman because it means that I give that woman rights and I respect her (m/n)." He smirk while staring the (e/c) beside him.

Y/n feels overwhelmed when Levi said that, her mouth agape and she was blushing madly.

"Oi! Close your mouth idiot!" Levi touched your chin you shiver when he touch you like that and you were surprise.

"Ouch! It hurts you know." Massaging you chin.
"You know Levi, sometimes I would mistakenly think that you secretly in love with me." You playfully punch his shoulder while laughing.

"Does it Levi?" Your mom suddenly ask.

'Why mom asked sudden questions that is out of the blue' you mentally slap yourself.

You stare to Levi and wait for his response. But he just keep silence.

'I know you dont like me Levi' you thought.

"Hahaha... Levi you dont need to answer that. Mom, thank you for the food." You stand up and kiss your mom before going to school.

When you stand up from your chair you grab Levi's shoulder and drag him to go to Shingenki University.

While you were walking going to Shingenki University no one even try to talk first until you spoke.

"Hey Levi, are you okay?" raising your brows up and down.

Still no response you try the trick that will give Levi a mood. Piggyback. This surprise Levi.

"Oi!" Turning his head to you.

"I know this will bring Levi's mood back." You are grinning at him without knowing Levi kiss your cheek a tint of pubk has splash of your face and feel ashamed but you know if this will make him happy you will do it.

"(Y/n)..." He mumble that you can still hear.


"I'm happy... to have you." And that he smile.

You were in awe.

'Levi...' you thought.

"Me too" you said. Rested your head to his shoulder while he firmly held you.

That's it readers I hope you will like it, leave me a comment so that I can enhance. Till next time. Sorry for the typos 😊

Signing off.😆😉

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