Into the Swing of things

Start from the beginning

Can we move on now?

"Well, you guys go have breakfast, I think I will show the new guy around the school." Ruby suggested, her eyes shining with excitement. Everyone seemed to agree, they were probably hungry. "We still got some time before class, so it should be no worries."

With that, the group disbanded and went seperate ways. I followed Ruby as she started chatting.

3rd Person

Ruby showed the Slayer around the school, to various lecture halls, dorms, amphitheatre, gardens, just about all you need to know. He didn't care though, he was following just because he had no choice - unless he wanted to kill the girl. But that seemed out of the question.

She seemed to realise that he wasn't paying attention, and in an attempt to make small talk she started to ask questions about the Slayer.

"So um.. why do they call you the Doomslayer? That is a bit of an odd name"

To which he motioned for her to wait, and instructed VEGA to play a certain recording of the time when he returned to Kadingir Sanctum.

Ruby watched on in horror, disgust and maybe a bit of amazement as the recording showed the Slayer ripping the guts out of a small demonic looking creature (an imp) and beating an identical creature next to it to death with the previous ones guts before pulling out a rocket launcher, stunning and removing the head of a large bulky black demon with a white head and smashing another imp to death with it.

"Okay okay that's enough I don't need to see anymore Thankyou! Please turn it off!" She cried.

"Recording stopped, are you sure?"

"Yes!" She squirmed a bit, the recording was filled with an extraordinarily large amount of gore. "I did not need to see that - ever! No one does."

She seemed a bit traumatised, the Slayer thought.

"Okay well I'll try a different question. What did you do before you became a butcher."

"Playing recording 3b"

Another hologram type video showed up. It showed the Doomslayer ripping a skinny demons body in half with a chainsaw.

"Stop! I get it, okay?"

"Recording stopped."

She shivered. "Oookay... a non personal question then... Can I see your weapons??" Her eyes lit up, forgetting the trauma she just witnessed. "I really want to see that first shotgun - Oh and any other cool weapons, like that rocket launcher!" He shook his head as a no and she sunk down to her knees, dejected.

"Can you at least take your helmet off, if we are going to be school buddies I should see your face, right?" She got back up, he shook his head and walked off and she hurried behind.

"You know, you're no fun! There aren't any death looking demons here, you should enjoy yourself."

He paused, and looked at her blankly before continuing on his old path.

'School buddies..? No way.'


Somehow he was dragged into class with her and her friends, much to Weiss's disapproval.

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